I'm screwed up

324 21 15

Clay POV

I woke up today relatively early, and in time to prepare for our day. We leave at 8:00 today so that we could get half way across the city for the meet up. I currently have an hour to get ready, but I would much rather sleep. The only problem is I no longer have a Wilbur to force me out of bed. It didn't take me long to get changed and ready, just about 15 minutes. I headed down stairs once I finished and saw the family of ghosts in the kitchen.  

"Good morning mate," Phil said, trying to listen the tense atmosphere. Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo were all off in the corner talking, but clearly tense. Techno on the other hand was not trying to be so discreet, and was shooting me daggers. "How'd you sleep?"

"Good," I lied. The truth is, I barely slept at all. I kept thinking of Will, what he would say, his laugh, how he would gently sing or play the guitar when neither of us could sleep. "Anyways, I've got to go to a meet up today. You guys will have the house to yourself, so have fun I guess."

As much as I wanted to, I didn't say 'don't burn down the house' I knew I couldn't, it reminded me too much of Wilbur. That is the last thing I need right now, which is why I'm glad to have this distraction. I walked outside to see the others already standing by the car, talking.

"Clay!" Darryl exclaimed. "C'mon you muffinhead! We're going to be late!"

"Yeah Clay!" George mocked.

"God, you're always making us wait on you." Nick joined in.

"Oh, shut up." I rolled my eyes, getting into the car after Darryl.

I drove, Darryl was behind me, Nick was in shotgun, and George behind him. We drove for a while, seeing as it was few hours to the city. They had yet to tell me who we were meeting up with, all I knew was there's going to be 12 of us. I was excited but also still sad, we were meeting up at an ice cream shop first. Everything seems to remind me of him now. Just a few days ago, those types of things would make me smile, but now it just leaves me with a sad longing, and another feeling I can't quite place.

"We're here," I said, finding a place to park, then glancing back to see a sleeping George. "Can someone wake up George?"

"I'll do it!" Nick yelled, right in my ear might I add.

"No, never mind. You're going to scream his ears off," I laughed, stopping him. "Darryl, can you wake him up? I have to go to the ATM real quick."

"Yeah, sure." He said, cheerfully, before nudging him slightly. I walked over to the ATM then back to the car to see Nick, Darryl, and a groggy George getting out of the car.

"Anyone else here?" I heard him ask.

"Lemme check." Nick responded. "Currently no one, but they all say they're pretty close."

"Cool, then let's go get a table." I said, leading the way inside. We ordered our ice cream and sat down. After a good five minutes of talking and laughing I saw Fundy and Niki walk in.

"Hi guys!" Niki smiled, sweetly.

"Hey Niki! It's so good to see you!" Darryl greeted, beginning our greetings and conversation. "I really don't know why you guys would get rid of that house. It's been great."

"I don't really know." Fundy answered. "It just seemed off. It felt like there were other people in their, I mean like not scary but we found a better deal for a smaller place, and so we took it. Anyways we only have a few more weeks left of our mega meetup."

I almost burst out laughing, but I had to stay calm. None of them knew that a family of six—er five ghosts lived with us. Next in, Zak came in. He and Daryl hugged than sat together and we all greeted him, then talked. We mainly just made fun of them together, watching Darryl blush and Zak bust up laughing. After about 15 minutes, Eret came. The same usual round of greetings followed, then conversation. Quality came next, then puffy, then a came Karl. I've talked to Karl before...but not in person...I've never seen him actually. We never really hung out one on one, but it felt like I had seen him before. Then the realization hit.

He's the person Wilbur took me to when I was dying.

He's the reason I'm in this mess. He's the reason why I can't go anywhere, do anything, say anything without being reminded of Wilbur. If it wasn't for the fact that we were in a public place full of my friends, I would have punched him in the face right then in there. All I know is I will be having a talk with him soon one on one so that I can get my boyfriend back.

Anyways, we all continued our conversation. They were making fun of me for forgetting who all was coming. All I know was that we are missing one person until we can start the rest of our days opertunities.

"He's almost here," Fundy said. "He said has is currently parking and 'there's not a d*mn parking space within two blocks of here.'"

"Language!" Darryl scolded.

"Well then, he shouldn't have been so late." Eret laughed until we heard the door open.

We turned around and when I saw a familiar brunette walk in my heart pounded, and I thought maybe I get him back, maybe things could go back to the way they were, but instead he wasn't the same person I knew.
"William! William Soot!" George yelled out, upon seeing him looking around for someone he recognized.
William. William Soot. George yelled at him, George could see him. He was alive.
But I wasn't happy for him, I wasn't thrilled at all, there was another feeling I couldn't quite place.
That should have been my first clue that I'm screwed up.

Word count: 1034
I hope y'all enjoyed! Sorry it took me so long I was working on a new book called "we could be Gods" please go check it out, it would mean a lot to me. It's still dreambur because I'm a little obsessed but I'm fiiiiiiiine. Anyways please feel free to leave a vote or a comment! It would really mean a lot to me!

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