Step four in how to screw up your afterlife

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Wilbur POV

"The real question is where the f*ck have you been?" The pinknette asked.

"I went on a walk, it's not that big of a deal." I rolled my eyes.

"For eight and a half hours? Really? You expect us to believe that mate?" Phil questioned, very sarcastically might I add.

"I got lost." I lied.

"Bull sh*t, we've lived here for XD knows how long, and you get lost? Doesn't sound very believable to me." Phil stated

"It's a confusing neighborhood," I lied. "Lots of twists and turns."

"Cut the bull sh*t," Phil replied, exasperated. "Just tell us the truth."

"Oh yeah, because you tell me. I know you keep your own, Phil. Stop being such a f*cking hypocrite."

"The secrets I keep are to protect you."

"Then stop protecting me! I'm not a child anymore! I'm canonically older than you, or did you forget I was stuck in a limbo for thirteen and a half f*cking years! And who put me there Phil? Huh? Who took my last life?"

Phil stated at me, speechless, I knew I had struck a nerve, but I just didn't care right now. After all, it was true.

"I think it's time you go, Will." Techno said, stepping in front of the blonde.

I went upstairs, and walked to my bedroom, and quietly opened the door, trying to creep in, only to find clay laying in bed wide awake.

"What are you doing up?" I asked him, crawling into the other side of the king sized bed.

"Couldn't sleep, my mind wouldn't stop wandering." The blind relied, turning to face me.

"What were you thinking about?"


"What about me?"

"Your past. I realized I don't know much about it. Actually I don't know anything except that you've died before."

"Would you like me to tell you?" I said, and the blonde nodded. "It started a long time ago, centuries even, it started with a god, his name was DreamXd, and so the nation of the dream smp was born. The first three there were Gogy, Sapnap, and Dream. Dream was named after XD, of course. Soon after, more people ended up there, among them were me tommy, and tubbo. Me and dream became close, and we eventually started dating in secret. I built a drug van, but we called it the caravan, and we built walls around the area surrounding it. We wanted to be independent from the smp, and so we created L'Manburg. However, dream did not like this, and so we fought a war, my first war. It was our first major fight I guess."

"And did you win?"

"No, but Tommy gave up his most prized possession for our freedom anyways, so technically yes. We were free."

"Did you and dream make up?"

"We did, we were happy. However all of it was in secret at that time. Then the election came."

"The election?"

"We held a democratic election for who would be president, but it was designed for me to win. It was Dreams idea actually. But then we had competitors, and they looked there votes together, which means shlatt won the election. His first order of business was to exile me and Tommy."

"But didn't you guys make L'Manburg?"

"We did. It was my unfinished symphony, forever unfinished. During exile Techno came, and helped us prepare for another war. But during exile, I went insane. I wanted to be dreams vessel."

"His vessel?"

"I wanted to blow it up. Blow it to bedrock, and as I did, Phil came. After I had done it, I told him to kill me, and he did."

"And dream, he—he let you?"

"He didn't know I was going to die. Neither did I, until I saw what I had done. Remember I was insane, I was unpredictable. But me and dream, we had a plan for after, for our life together. It was going to be perfect."


I walked into the small clearing of the pogtopia forest, a smile growing on my face as I see Dream. I walked next to him to sit down, putting my arm around him.

"Hey." I said.

"Hey," The blonde replied. "Why'd you wanna talk?"

"What are we going to do? After we blow it all up? Where are we going to go?" I asked, quietly.

"I don't know...I never really thought of that. I guess we could run away, go somewhere away from L'manburg, away from the smp, from everything," He explained. What do you think?"

"Yeah. Start a new life...together. A new symphony, our symphony." I smiled.That would be nice, just us, together, but he has so much to lose from that, so much he'd give up. "I would love that, but what about George and SapNap and bad? Would you really give them up for me?"

"For you, I would give the world, Will. But I guess we could tell them where we we'll go, they can come visit us. So could Tommy and Tubbo." He said, smiling softly.

"No, I don't think they would want to....not after what I'll do." I replied.

"You don't have to do it Will, not if you don't want to." He finally said, after a long pause. "We can just go now, or we can stay, I'll go or stay wherever you want me to."

"No, I have to do this, It's to much power, it corrupts. No ones truly on our side, no one but you, me, and techno, Tommy doesn't want L'manburg back, he wants Tubbo, but he's blinded by the discs. We have to blow it up, blow it to the f*cking ground."

End flashback

I looked over to the blonde, sleeping peacefully next to me. I smiled softly as I closed my eyes, knowing I was royally f*cked. Feelings suck.

Step four in how to screw up your afterlife: recall old memories, and have f*cking feelings that you can never act on.

Word count: 1004
Sooooo I've finally updated! Sorry my wifi has been pretty crappy. Anyways I hope y'all enjoyed it! And hey if you liked it and wanna spare a vote or a comment, that would be much appreciated! See y'all next time!

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