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"You know, we have beds in our dormitories for a reason," Davis remarked as she sat down beside me on the green, leather button sofa in front of the fireplace--which I'd snagged and refused to give up, much to the annoyance of several older studen...

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"You know, we have beds in our dormitories for a reason," Davis remarked as she sat down beside me on the green, leather button sofa in front of the fireplace--which I'd snagged and refused to give up, much to the annoyance of several older students who'd tried to intimidate me into moving.

I promptly threw my shoe at them, which is why my other flat is on the floor, and they smartly buggered off.

My numerology book was open on my lap.

"And good morning to you too," I greeted dryly.

Last night, Davis Parkinson Greengrass and Bulstrode and I stayed up talking until well past curfew and, by the time we eventually called it a night, I felt a lot better about the whole Ron thing--and my dorm mates in general, even if Greengrass could be a bit bitchy/indifferent and Parkinson was your classic 'mean girl' who likely was only being nice to me because I'm 'famous Jewel Potter' or whatever.

Well, except for Bulstrode, who outright doesn't seem to like me. I'm not sure if I did something--I usually do something--or if it was just one of those things where someone just doesn't like you.

It didn't really bother me; to be honest, with all the 'Girl Who Lived' BS, having someone so clearly dislike me was weirdly refreshing.

"I'd say good morning back if I was sure you actually slept," Davis said.

I'd already gone back upstairs to shower(at around, like, five or six in the morning, mind you)--and, to my dismay, the shower pressure was transcendent--and change into my Hogwarts uniform(my way, not Hermione's; with my tie 'accidentally' kicked under my bed and 'forgotten', the top two buttons of my untucked white button-down shirt undone, no sweater, and my skirt and robes--the green and silver snake embossed crest on the front, and emerald and black material, claiming me as a Slytherin). My untidy, dark red hair was down and strategically covering my neck, not that hiding my scar matters at this point--and I was, at this moment, only wearing one red ballet flat.

(you know, I might be a redhead, but Harry and I have the whole 'untameable hair' thing in common).

"I could hear the lake lapping against the windows--it was distracting," I half-lied(I did actually hear the lake lapping against the windows, but it didn't bother me; you can hear it in here when it's quiet, too). "And besides, it's weird sleeping in an unfamiliar room in the dungeons of a castle thousands of miles away from the Mor--from home. I caught some Z's out here," I added honestly, "don't worry."

Cliche excuse? Oh, completely--but it works, and it's plausible. Last night, I was too anxious and wired to sleep--not because I was homesick, but because I couldn't get what stupid Malfoy said about Ron turning Harry against me because Slytherins are the enemy out of my head. So, I grabbed my numerology book and came down here to read for a bit. I ended up drifting off on the sofa for a good six hours or so, so I probably hopefully won't pass out in class, but that's about it.

。+.*𝗚𝗟𝗜𝗧𝗧𝗘𝗥 𝗜𝗡 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗔𝗜𝗥*+。 [𝘿. 𝙈𝘼𝙇𝙁𝙊𝙔]¹Where stories live. Discover now