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Okay, I'll admit it; while my heart belongs to Dreamy, and this comes on the heels of betraying her, Nimbus Two Thousand and Ones are wicked

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Okay, I'll admit it; while my heart belongs to Dreamy, and this comes on the heels of betraying her, Nimbus Two Thousand and Ones are wicked. They're in a whole new league when it comes to speed(and, stylistically, badass). Usually, that would just frustrate me more, but I was having too much fun.

Malfoy and I mostly just raced up and down the Quidditch pitch on each other's broomsticks(which I think made him better appreciate where I was coming from, and how hard I'd been working).

After a while, we had to call it for dinner--which we were super late for.

When we made our way into the Great Hall, we got a lot of odd and even shocked looks and double-takes--no doubt because we were A) walking together B) not trying to murder each other C) back to our usual 'light-hearted bickering' and D) casually talking about Quidditch like this wasn't weird after the past few weeks.

When I caught Professor Snape's eye from the High Table, he inclined his head and smirked, looking entirely too pleased with himself.

The first thing I did was pull Malfoy over to where Pansy Tracey Daphne and Bulstrode were sitting(and staring at us with stupefied and wary/tense looks on their faces for obvious and--pretty fair reasons)and apologise for how I'd been acting--and swear that Malfoy and I had, finally, cleared the air.

"I can't believe I'm about to say this," Daphne said, seeming almost relieved, "but thank Merlin you two are talking again. You're also not allowed to sit anywhere near me in class," she added, "I'm not kidding--I can and will get a restraining order--"

"Don't worry, Daph--we'll make sure to 'contain our bullshit'," I promised mock seriously, hand sarcastically over my heart.

"You better," she stated, pointing her finger at me warningly.

She added a sharp look Malfoy's way for good measure.

That Monday morning during our first lesson of the day, I dropped into the empty seat next to Malfoy(far away from a satisfied-looking Daphne Greengrass), already rambling about I-literally-can't-even-remember, and life went back to normal.

--okay, after Pansy was done punishing me for being a bitch, life went back to normal(and, to be fair, she did take into account the stress I've been putting myself under, which was surprisingly understanding for her--that or, more likely, like Malfoy she was just sick of all the fighting--).

Even Harry Ron and Hermione seemed relieved.

And, that following Friday after dinner, my telepathy lessons continued(with markedly better results now that I could focus...I mean, I still kinda suck, but whatever; one thing I have picked up, though, is that my telepathy is not normal, not even for an inborn telepath, rare as we are--and Professor Snape tried to play it off like it was just my age, and screwy emotional state, but I could tell that it troubled him; hormonal/traumatised tween telepath or not, being in a constant state of overstimulation wasn't something most telepaths had to suffer through--which, I guess, makes me special--yaaaay--).

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