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Arthur Weasley is a tall, thin man with balding Weasley red hair, long shabby indigo robes, glasses, and blue eyes like Ron

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Arthur Weasley is a tall, thin man with balding Weasley red hair, long shabby indigo robes, glasses, and blue eyes like Ron.

"Oh! Are the two of you Muggles?"

Harry also greatly downplayed his obsession with Muggles--because, realising he was in a Muggle household with Muggles had him asking Dakota and Alistair a billion questions, and rushing about examining everything, like Tigger on crack.

"--you know, I've always wanted to know how Muggles make aeroplanes fly--"

"Thrust, drag, weight, and lift," I blurted.

Mr Weasley turned to me in surprise.

"You know, the four forces of flight?" I clarified. "Thrust moves an aircraft in the direction of motion by pulling air in then pushing it out in an opposite direction--drag acts opposite to the direction of motion, and tends to slow an object--it's caused by friction and differences in air pressure--weight is the force caused by gravity--and lift is the force that holds an aeroplane in the air. Each force has an opposite force that works against it; lift works against weight, thrust works against drag...When they're balanced, a plane flies in a level direction. There's also a lot of stuff about Newton's laws of motion, but I can't remember them off the top of my head--"

"Damn, Bones--" Alistair whistled, impressed.

"I was curious," I shrugged, face going pink, "so I borrowed a few books from the library. I still don't really understand all the mechanics of it, but I'm twelve, so."

"Nerd," he teased.

"Takes one to know one," I shot back childishly, sticking out my tongue.

"She memorizes the four forces of flight for fun," Dakota sighed, but she was looking at me fondly, "but she never does her school work."

"Harry did mention you love to read," Mr Weasley informed me, looking greatly impressed himself, "and that you're very smart--"

"Harry's a suck-up," I said, but I was fighting back a smile--and was likely as red as Mr Weasley's hair.

"Oh, I'm sorry, where are my manners--" Mr Weasley returned his attention to Alistair and Dakota, having failed to get their names(or really let them get a word in edgewise)after attacking them with enthusiastic handshakes, bombarding them with Muggle-related questions, and eagerly examining everything in the living room like a fanboy on the set of his favourite television show, "are you relatives of Jewel's?"

Their smiles faltered slightly, and they traded a quick look.

I bit the inside of my cheek.

A yellow rubber band snapped.

"I'm Dakota Morrissey, and this is my husband Alistair--we're Jewel's, um--"

"Adoptive parents."

。+.*𝗚𝗟𝗜𝗧𝗧𝗘𝗥 𝗜𝗡 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗔𝗜𝗥*+。 [𝘿. 𝙈𝘼𝙇𝙁𝙊𝙔]¹Where stories live. Discover now