Chapter Eighteen: Touch Her Again I Dare You

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One week later

I spent the night at Nick's house because my dad was in a rage.

"Nick? Can you promise me something?" I asked as we sat on his lawn smoking.

He took a drag. "Depends on what it is?"

"Will you and Johnny help me keep Shaina safe?" I asked turning to look at him.

Nick looked out at the street before asking, "Why do you care about her so much, man? You're not one to get attached. You sleep with 'em, you move on. What's so special about Shaina?"

I snubbed out my cigarette and flopped back into the grass. "What's so special about Shaina?" I repeated, "She's different, you know? Now don't go around saying I've gone soft but I really care about her Nick. She's smart and beautiful and she cares. She genuinely cares about me and my well-being. Besides you and Johnny, no one cares what happens to me. I told Shaina my life the other night. Like everything. And she took it and she hugged me. She didn't say sorry or patronize me. She hugged me and told me I'd make it. She actually listened. She's just..."

"Perfect?" Nick asked.

I looked at him. "Yeah, man. She's perfect."

Following day

Shaina's first day back since the injury. She kept telling me she was ready but I highly doubted it.

"Are you sure you're ready for this?" I asked her for the millionth time since we had gotten in the car.

She sighed sounding kind of annoyed, "Yes, Matthew. I'm fine. I haven't had to take my pain medication in three days. I feel great. I'm ready."

I raised an eyebrow at her. "Shaina, you know that's not what I meant. Are you ready to face them?"

Shaina sighed again. "Yes, Matthew. I can handle a few b****es." She said it confidently but I could see the fear written across her face.

I pulled into the parking lot. It was like déjà vu.

"Let's do this." I heard Shaina mumbled to herself.

I grabbed her wrist gently to stop her from getting out of my truck. "Hey, I'll be right here. And my buds Nick and Johnny will too. No one will hurt you."

Shaina gulped audibly and climbed out of the truck.

I walked around the truck and found Nick and Johnny talking to Shaina. I greeted them.

"Alright. Ready to face hell?" I asked.

Johnny clapped his hands. "Let's do this."

We walked into school and I felt like a body guard. I had Shaina on my right and Nick and Johnny flanked us. Everyone watched us as we walked down the halls.

"First period," Shaina sighed when we got to her locker, "I don't have y'all to protect me."

"I can change my schedule." I offered again for probably the fourth time since we'd walked in. I caught Nick rolling his eyes and Johnny snickering behind his hand.

"Matthew," Shaina said as she closed her locker, "I'll be fine. I'll see you guys after first period." She started walking away down the hall.

"At least let us walk you to class!" I hollered after her as we ran to catch up.

Shaina rolled her eyes and laughed. It was so nice to hear her laugh. Her face brightened and she looked even more beautiful, if that was even possible.

We stopped at her English class. "Okay guys. Go to class. I'll be fine." she reassured me for the billionth time.

I reluctantly left her in Nick's care with a light kiss on the forehead.

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