⭒☆Chapter Four☆⭒

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*Author’s Pov*

Jungkook smirked.
“Good choice, so you both are mine from now.” He said smirking.

Tae and Jimin looked at him terrified.

“Well I wanted to ask you, why did you entered in my territory?” He asked curiously.

Tae and Jimin looked at each other.
Jimin took a deep breath before saying,
“We-well o-our f-father–”

*Author’s Pov*
*2 days ago*
*In Heaven*

Tae and Jimin were cuddling each other when Jimin’s phone started ringing.
Jimin picked the call up.

*On the Call*

Jimin: Hello?
??: H-hello J-jimin?

Jimin immediately recognised the voice.

Jimin: D-dad?
??: Y-yes Son, it's m-me.
Jimin: What happened Dad? Are u okay? Is everything fine?
Jimin’s Dad: S-son, th-they are g-going to k-kill me.

Jimin immediately got up in shock. Tae looked at him confused.

Jimin: What? Who dad? Where are you?
Jimin’s Dad: I'm o-outside, t-they are g-going to k-kill me. H-help me S-son.

With that the call ended.
Jimin immediately got up but Tae held his wrist.

“What happened Jiminie?” Tae asked worriedly.
“T-Tae, m-my D-dad.” Jimin said tears threatening to fall from his eyes.

Tae looked at him worriedly.
“S-someone is g-going to k-kill my D-dad.”
Jimin said tears rolling down his face.

Tae raised an eye brow, he knew something was wrong.

Jimin, it can't be! He is a demon. No one can kill him.” Tae said.

Yes! You heard right! Jimin’s father was a demon. His mother was also a demon.
If both the couples are Demon, then their child would be an Angel.
(It's not true, it's just for my story LOL)

Jimin’s mother died as his father killed her.
A couple can kill her own couple.

And Demon doesn't need anyone to protect them, especially Angels. Cuz Angels are weaker then Demons.

“No T-tae, l-let me g-go.” Jimin begged Tae while crying.
Tae felt bad for him.
“O-okay, b-but I will c-come with you.” Tae said.

“Tae–” Jimin was about to protest but Tae cutted him.
“No Chim, I'm coming with you.” Tae said as Jimin gave up and nodded.

*Time Skip*

Tae and Jimin came out of the heaven without out getting caught. It was really difficult.

Besides the Heaven a few distance there is a big castle. It's really dark and it sends creepy vibes to both of them.

Jimin and Tae ran towards the place where the voice came from but froze when they saw.......


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