⭒☆Chapter Sixteen☆⭒

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*Author's Pov*

All of them were looking at them with shock.
Jimin was walking with Jungkook on his side and Tae in his arms.

Jungkook was carrying Tae in a bridal style cuz you know they did something last night.....

Tae was trying to hid his face.
He was embarrassed.
While Jimin was trying to held his laughter after seeing Tae’s face.

Jungkook sat on the dining table, Tae was on his lap and Jimin was sitting beside them.

His father got up and sat beside Jimin, eyeing him up and down which Jungkook and Jimin both didn't noticed.

“Son, who are they?” His father asked.

“These are my boyfriends, my Angels.” He said.

Tae and Jimin were shocked. They thought Jungkook will tell them that they are his slaves but he didn't.

“They are so good looking.” His father said now looking at Tae which Jungkook noticed now.

“Don't you DARE think of them as your slaves Father.” He said in his dominant voice.

His father just smirked.

“But he looks so good.” He said looking at Tae.

Jungkook wrapped his arms around Tae.
“He is MINE.” He said.
His father just smirked again.

“So what about him?” His father said eyeing Jimin.

Jungkook was about to say something but was cutted off.

“Mr. Lee, let's start the party.” His friend said.
He nodded and took a glance at Jungkook before starting the party.

*Time Skip*
*Jungkook’s Pov*

When will this shitty party end? This pervert is looking at my Angels with lust.
I just want to kill him rn.

“Jungkook.” Jimin called me.
“Yes Angel?” I asked.

“I will go to washroom and come.” He said as I nodded.

“I also want to come.” Tae said.
I nodded and helped him get up.
“Be careful.” I said as they both nodded.

They held each other’s hand and went to the washroom.

“Son, wait here. I will come in a minute.” He said. I just looked at him as he went away.

I sat their chatting with my friends.

*5 minutes later*

I was sitting, waiting for my Angels to come. It's been minutes they hadn't came.

I got worried. I excused myself and started making my way towards the washroom.

I opened the door and went inside.

As I went in I saw Tae on the ground, crying.
I immediately went near him.

“What happened Angel? Why are you crying? Where is Jimin?” I asked.
He hugged me tightly while crying.

H-he t-took h-him aw-away.


*Dramatic music plays*

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