⭒☆Chapter Twenty One☆⭒

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*One week later*
*Jungkook’s Pov*

It's been one week, Jimin is still in the hospital. We haven't met him yet.
The doctors said that he is still weak.

Today we are going to met him for the first time after that incident.
And you can say Tae is really I mean really excited.

“Jungkook, come fast. We can go in.” Tae said jumping like a child.
“Coming Angel.” I said as I opened the door and we went inside.

Jimin was laying on the bed with all the wires connected to his hand.
Tae’s eyes became teary seeing his boyfriend in this state.

I saw it and held his hand telling him it's okay.

We both stood near him.
Jimin sensed that someone was standing as he opened his eyes to see.

“T-tae.” Jimin said weekly.
Tae held his hands and started caressing it with his thumb.

“Yes Jimin, I'm here don't worry.” Tae said.
“Yes Angel, don't worry. Everything is fine. We will go home soon okay?” I said. Jimin smiled a little and nodded.

“I will go and asked the doctor when can I take you home.” I said as I left the room.

*Author’s Pov*

“Ta-Tae, did J-jungkook did s-something to you? D-did he b-eat you or h-hurt you?” Jimin asked panicked.

“No Jimin, he was opposite. He took really good care of me. He worried for me, he even worried for you. He isn't cruel to me now. He is absolutely a kind person.” Tae said as Jimin was shocked to hear it.

“And infact I think, I'm al-also in love with h-him.


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