⭒☆Chapter Thirty☆⭒

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(Last Chapter🥺😭😭)

*Author’s Pov*

Tae and Jimin were getting ready.
Jungkook went somewhere. When they both got up they saw a message from Jungkook.

They both tried asking him where or what he is taking them but Jungkook just told them that it's a surprise

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They both tried asking him where or what he is taking them but Jungkook just told them that it's a surprise.

They both got ready as a bodyguard came in.

“Please follow me Sir.” The bodyguard said as he started walking while both of them were following him.

He went towards a car and opened the door for them.

“Where are we going?” Jimin asked.

“We are getting late Sir. King must be waiting.” The bodyguard said.

“Rude.” Jimin mumbled as Tae chuckled.
They both sat in the car as the bodyguard started driving.

*Time Skip*

The bodyguard stopped and opened the door for both of them.

They were on a beach. It was evening. The sun was setting down, making everything look so precious.

Tae and Jimin awed.
They were busy admiring the view that they didn't saw the bodyguard drove away.

They looked at each other not knowing what to do when Tae’s phone made a ‘ding’ sound.

It was a message from none other than Jungkook.

*On the phone*

Jungkook: You both are looking beautiful my Angels.

Tae and Jimin started looking around but couldn't find him.

Jungkook: You won't find me there Angel. Come straight towards the beach. There's a surprise waiting for you.

Tae and Jimin looked at each other before they started walking towards the beach.

As they went near they saw an amazing sight they never ever thought.

As they went near they saw an amazing sight they never ever thought

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“Woah!” Tae and Jimin said in unison.

“Did you liked it my Angels?

Tae and Jimin turned and saw Jungkook standing their looking as hot as usual.
“Jungkook yo–”
“Yes, I did this.” He said smiling.

Tae and Jimin ran towards him and hugged him tightly.

Jungkook chuckled but hugged them back.

“Did you liked it?” He asked.
“We loved it.” They both said in unison and giggled.
Jungkook chuckled.

“So this was the surprise?” Jimin asked.

“There’s one more.” He said.
Tae and Jimin looked at him but gasped when they saw Jungkook kneeled down and took out a ring box which contain two rings in it.

“When I first saw both of you, I thought I will make you both my slave but my heart didn't let me. I tried to ignore you both as much as I can but I couldn't. You both were stuck in my mind. Your beauty, your voice, everything was stuck in my mind. As the days went by I started falling for you. But you both never looked to me as I did. You both thought I was a heartless demon. It was true tho. But when you both confessed to me, I was really shock. I was happy too. And that day I thought to myself that I will ask you both this.” He said as he opened the box.

“Will you both like to be my boyfriends? I will do anything for you. I will even sacrifice my life just to keep you both safe and sound. I will love you both with my whole heart. I will always protect you even if I'm injured. I will always love you both like no one did. Will you be my boyfriends Taehyung and Jimin?” Jungkook asked with (J) hope.
(LMAO I remember one girl commented me that ‘I'm so done with your (J) before hope)

Tae and Jimin looked at each other with tears running down their face. They gave each other a smile before turning towards Jungkook.

“We would love to be your boyfriend Jungkook.” They both said.

Jungkook immediately got up and hugged them.

“You don't know how happy I'm today. I'm really grateful to have you both.” He said as he took out the ring and slipped it in both of their fingers.

“We too are.”
“I will love you both till the end.”

Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world. True love is inexhaustible. The more you give, the more you have.
Go for someone who is not only proud to have you, but will also take every risk just to be with you. We should love, not fall in love. Because everything that falls, get’s broken.

Love is like a heaven, but it can hurt like hell. I was just a heartless demon. I was cold, rude. But they both made me fall in love. They both made my heart melt.

Love is a game. Easy to start, hard to finish. You've got to love the game and the game will love you back. The only way of doing that is to be real.

I might be a rude demon to other’s but I'm a demon, a psycho demon for both of them.
And I will kill anyone who touches or looks at something what's mine.

Cuz baby, I'm the demon and they are my Angels........

              The Demon’s Angels

                                                        ~The End


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