⭒☆Chapter Seven☆⭒

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*Jimin’s Pov*

As Jungkook said come in, a person came in with a black bag.

Is he going to sell us?’ I thought and whimpered.

“Did you called me King?” The guy asked after bowing.
“I want you to treat them.” Jungkook said pointing to me and Tae.

And that's when I got.
That person is a doctor.’ I sighed in relief.
But then I heard whimpering noises.

I looked at my side and saw Tae whimpering.
Oh no! Tae doesn't like doctors.’ I thought.

I immediately hugged him to calm him down.

Well Tae had a bad experience with a doctor and from then he doesn't like doctors.

“Shhh baby, he is just going to treat us nothing else.” I assured him but he just shook his head.

I sighed.

The guy, probably the doctor came and sat on the bed.

Jungkook also came and sat by our side.

“I will treat him first.” The doctor said pointing towards Tae.
“Go on.” Jungkook said.

Tae started whimpering again.
“Angel come here and lay down.” Jungkook said pointing in front of him on the bed.

Tae hugged me as tears started rolling down his face.

“J-jiminie no p-please.” Tae said crying.
“Taehyung come here fast.” Jungkook said getting impatient.

“N-no.” Tae said crying.
“Baby he is just gonna treat you. It won't hurt I promise.” I said but Tae shook his head.

Jungkook knew something was wrong as he came near us.
“What's wrong?” He asked.

“W-well, Tae is afraid of doctors.” I said as he made an ‘oh’ face.

“Don't worry Angel he is just gonna make you feel better.” Jungkook said.
But Tae being scared shook his head.

Jungkook sighed.

“Sorry Taehyung but I got no other choice.” Jungkook said as I looked at him confused.

Jungkook got up and picked Tae up from my arms. Tae started crying out loudly.

Jungkook carefully placed him on the bed and held him so the doctor can check him up easily.

Tae tried to struggle but Jungkook held him down.
Tae started crying.

“J-jiminie.” Tae said crying.
I felt sad for him.

I layed next to him hugging him while he was crying his heart out.

“L-leave m-me p-pw-pwease.” Tae said crying.
“Shhhh, it will be over soon.” Jungkook said caressing his hair.

The doctor checked him up with much difficulty as Tae was moving here and there.

He treated his bruises while Tae was crying from the pain.
“So now the shot and IV is left.” The doctor said and started preparing for the shot.

While Tae was telling a thousands of ‘no’ to them.

“N-no p-pw-pwease.”
“Shhh baby, it will be over in a minute.” I said kissing his cheek.

The doctor came with the shot in his hand.
He lifted Tae’s T-shirt a little from his hand.

Tae startes struggling.
“Shhhh Angel don't move.” Jungkook said.

The doctor rubbed the alcohol wipe and inserted the needle swiftly.

Tae flinched.
“Ahhhh n-no.”
He pushed the medicine down and removed the needle out, placing a bandage on the spot.

“See it's over.” Jungkook said rubbing his hand on Tae’s chest.

“But the IV is left.” I said sadly.
Tae shook his head violently.

The doctor came with the IV supplements.
He held Tae’s hand and placed it in a comfortable position.

Tae started crying again.
Jungkook and I tried to calm him down but nothing was working.

The doctor wore the gloves and started to search his vein.

After getting he applied a tourniquet on the upper arm and re-checked the vien.

He cleaned the skin with an alcohol wipe and let it dry.

He removed the cannula from the packaging and removed the needle cap.
He held Tae’s hand and inserted the needle in his vien.

Tae flinched hardly.

“Shhh Tae baby, it's only for a minute.” I said.
“N-NO.” Tae shouted.
“Don't shout Angel, it's for your own good health.” Jungkook said sternly glaring at him.

*Time Skip*
*Author’s Pov*

Tae was sleeping now and Jimin was laying beside him.
Jungkook was looking at both of them.

“Are you gonna stare at him like that?” Jungkook asked which caught Jimin’s attention.

“Why are you so nice to us now?” Jimin asked looking straight in Jungkook’s eyes.

“I want both of you to be healthy cause you both are my slaves.


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