⛔Chapter Twelve⛔

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(This chapter is written by my friend so I don't know if it's good or not LOL, and if she is reading then YOU DID A GOOD JOB!🙂😁)

*Author's Pov*

Jungkook smirked.
"Are you ready, my Angel?" Jungkook said.

"N-no. I'm s-so-sorry, le-leave m-me." Jimin said while crying, trying to get out of the handcuffs.

"Don't struggle, it won't work here. Plus your punishment had just started Angel." Jungkook said as he hovered over Jimin.

He started taking of his t-shirt while Jimin was shouting him not to.

"N-NO P-PLEASE." Jimin said crying but Jungkook ignored him and took Jimin's pants and under wear too.

Jimin tried to cover himself but he can't as he was cuffed.

Jungkook started searching something in the red box.

He saw the thing (🙂) and took it out.

"N-no pl-please, I'm so-sorry." Jimin started begging him as he saw a vibrator in Jungkook's hand.

Jungkook took out a lube and coated his three fingers in it.

After that he looked at Jimin.
"P-please." Jimin begged.

"I'm sorry Angel." Jungkook said as he shoved one finger in Jimin's asshole.

"Ahhhhh, t-take i-it ou-out pl-"
Before Jimin could continue, Jungkook shoved his second finger in.

He took his fingers out as he lubed the vibrator while smirking.

"P-please, I'm s-so-sorry. N-no please." Jimin said but Jungkook just smirked and shoved the vibrator in harshly.

"Ahhhhh n-no." Jimin shouted out of pain.

Jungkook placed a cock ring so Jimin won't cum.

"Okay Angel, I'm going as I have an important work. See you in few hours." Jungkook said as he got up.

"Jung- n-no, pl-pleas- ahhh~"
"Bye Angel, have fun." Jungkook said as he turned the vibrator on the highest speed.

He left the room ignoring all the screams coming from Jimin.

"I-IT H-HUR-HURTS JU- ahhh~"

*Time Skip*

Jungkook was walking towards his room where Jimin was.

His screams had died down but he can still hear him a little.

He opened the door and saw Jimin all mess.
His body full of sweat, his hair messy, his eyes red, his face full of tears.

As Jimin saw Jungkook he started begging him.

"J-jung- Ahhh~ pl-please let m-me cum. Ahhh~ I'm so-sorry." He begged.

"So you won't try to escape hmmm?" Jungkook asked as Jimin nodded violently despite being tired as heck.

Jungkook hummed as he took the vibrator out making Jimin scream a little.

He took the cock ring out too.

Jimin instantly started cumming all over the bed.

He closed his eyes, still crying.

"Shhhh Angel, you took your punishment so well." Jungkook said as he cleaned Jimin and changed his clothes.

He layed him on the bed comfortably, placing a blanket on him.

"Now only Taehyung is left." Jungkook said and smirked.

"H-he wo-won't g-get cau-caught." Jimin said tiredly.

"Just wait and watch Angel."


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