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Wei wuxian's POV

I woke up with pain in my lower back

What happened to me?

Where am I?

Why am I in pain?

I tried to get up but the pain was to much...that is until I saw a note on the small table near the bed

After seeing it I forced my self to slowly sit up as I reached for the note


I know everything is probably confusing but I promise it will get better, right now I need you to eat the congee on the table along with the bowl of medicine, only afterwards I want you to ask one of the guards outside you door to escort you to the hanshi I Promise everything will be explained

Love, your brother

Jiang Cheng

After doing all that I indeed found the guards the note spoke of and got them to bring me to the hanshi

~outside hanshi~

As I got there I could hear the voice of mother Yu screaming at somebody

I decided I should enter now

I knocked three times getting a muffled 'come in' as I did

"A-niang?" I asked as I stepped in

Inside was a large table in the middle of the room

Lan qiren, lan xichen and....lan wangji sat at the head

With mother, father, shijie and a-cheng on the left

And the wen siblings to the right of the table

"A-xian, how do you feel?" Shijie gently questions me as she gestured for me to sit between her and a-cheng

" shijie my body hurts" I answered

"A-xian do you remember what happened?" A-die asked as everyone looked to me

" I remember we where in class, then I got my heat way earlier that expected...then-" I paused as my eyes widden as I looked at lan wangji in fear

"You-he-" I couldn't talk as I begin to cry

"Shhhh a-xian it's okay it's over" I tried to comfort him as he diggs his head into my chest

"I think not" wen qing spoke up

"Ah right lady wen can you give us an update of a-xian condition?" A-niang asked

"Yes actually" lady wen turned to face A-xian "wei wuxian I don't know if this will be good news to you but congratulations you are expecting"

The silence was huge


".....lan wangji got my son pregnant?" Dad's voice was laced with fire

"I-i-i-im pregnant?" A-xian voice broke "with his children?"

"Yes,but you are expecting.. twins" she clarified "while you were unconscious I realized your spiritual energy is draining faster so I when I checked you are indeed carrying twins"

Wen ning then stood up, bowed, then handed a-xian a piece of paper
"Xian-gege this is a list of herbs you need to get to keep your self healthy during your pregnancy once you get the first 10 herbs please hand it to one of us to that we can make a salve that will sooth you skin" he bowed to lan wangji "lan-er-gongzi you are the father and since the children keeps draining thier mother's spiritual energy we need you to give him some of yours at least two hours per day"

"Now if you will excuse us we have some preparations to make for this pregnancy" the wen siblings excused themselves

I turned to lan wangji

"You fucking piece of shit"

To be continued

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