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Let's just hop into it!(つ≧▽≦)つ

After the announcements all clans including the sect leaders all gathered in the conference hall

And as per usual the five great sects where on higher platforms than the lower clans

"So wei wuxian might I ask how did this little incident of yours occur?" A slimy seed spreading Jin bastard asked as he used his golden hand fan to cover the bottom half of his face

His question got the previously tense hall even more tense as the Lans and Jiangs zeroed their glares at him

And surprisingly even wen rouhan and his elder son along with the wen disciples wei ying somehow adopted

"I don't see how any of this is your problem Jin guangshan" sneered nie mingjue giving the older man a disgusted feed up look

"And I don't recall asking you sect leader nie and do please respect your elders" Jin bastard sneered right back making his lackeys behind him smirk

"Respect it earned not given" mingjue rolled his eyes rudly while a few nies behind him laughed and mocked the Jin's

"Why you-" Jin zixun was about to pull out his dainty little sword before wei wuxian spoke up

"Boys please no need to fight over such a small matter" he sipped his water slowly from his place between his brother and bestfriend

"Than can you answer my question?" Jin *gags* asked joyfully

"Sure" wei wuxian smiled gently at him making the pervert blush for some reason "oh dear are you sick? Why are you so red sect leader Jin?"

Hearing thier goddess the disciples of the Jiang, Lan and Nie zeroed in on Jin guangshan's face before glaring into his soul

"N-nothing I'm fine" the man stuttered

"Are you sure?" The omega tipped his head in concern

"Very" Jin nodded

"Okay well you see-" wei ying was cut off as somebody entered the hall snapping everyone's attention to them

"A-ying! Didn't I tell you to come see me after the events!?" A pissed wen  qing stomped over to him

"Aiya! A-qing I forgot" wei ying inches away after catching glimpse of wen qing's dreadful needles

"We'll come on! you to lan wangji it's time to feed the kids some spiritual energy also I want to inspect your body" wen qing helps wei ying up

"Inspect my body?" Wei ripped his head

"Yup to make sure your body really is ready for child birth which is in two months I might add" wen qing's voice slowly faded away as she and her patient along with wangji made their way out leaving the hall in silence

".....wow time really do pass by fast" Jiang Cheng was frozen in his spot

"Yes it does, time really waits for no man" huaisang fanned himself slowly

Jiang Cheng turned to face his bestfriend before he shook his head and went back to stuffing his face

"What?....what did I say?" Getting no response huaisang went back over to his brother and pestered his because he was bored.

Short I know but eh oh well I just wanna get to the good parts

Next up is the birth of our little bunnies and the argument of wangxian........

And then the end of this book...

Okay before you say anything hear me out...

It goes in this order:

Birth of twins (about two chapters worth)


Argument (at least five chapters worth)


End. (One chapter worth)


To be continued 😁

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