I think not! part 1

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now  I'm back so without further-a-do let's hope into it!!!

"A-xian how are you?" Jiang yanli asked for the fourth time as she sat near wei ying's bed cradling little jingyi

"Hehehe" wei ying giggle as his shijie fussed over him even while holding a baby

"Shijie I'm fine I promise" he answered with the same response as thirty minutes ago

This morning his shijie bought him some easily digestible food as to ease his stomach since he hasn't eaten since the twins were born

They sat down together quietly, but not awkwardly as they relish in each other's presents.

Not long after finishing the twins woke up asking for attention and food which wei ying did before they went back straight to sleep

Jiang yanli giggled as she places jingyi next to his brother, watching him latch onto sizhui like a leech

"A-xian I want to ask something but please don't get angry" she said quietly

Wei ying froze

He knew what she was gonna ask and he could already feel his blood boiling

But he loves his shijie to death and doesn't wish to be mad at her or even yell at her

He took a deep breath

"Shijie if you're gonna ask about lan wangji please don't" he tipped his head down making his bangs cover his eyes

Jiang yanli frown softly before reach up and touching his head

"But a-xian, I'm sure wangji didn't mean it, I'm sure if you guys talk it out you can come to forgive him"

Her hand was suddenly pulled, although gently, but really quickly off his head


Wei ying breathed out heavily as his tears threatened to spill

"Shijie....do you not even care that I'm hurt?"

This question got a loud gasp from Jiang yanli

"A-xian! Why would you think that?" She cupped his face gently, wiping away the stray tears

"Of course I care that You're hurt and I'm glad you're recovering! It's just that-" her hands yet again was pulled off but this time it was anything but gently

"Shijie! Do you not understand!?" Wei ying screamed at her startling the twins awake making them wail

Hearing the commotion lan wangji who was passing by at the time came rushing in, lan xichen following

"What's wrong?" Xichen's answer went unanswered

"I was raped shijie! RAPED!" Wei ying continued to scream at Jiang yanli who was frozen in place

"I wasn't hurt like being punched, or being stabbed! I got my virginity taken without consent!" He pulled his hair

"How can you claim to care about me if you think that being raped is like any other injury!? You would never understand what I go through every night when I try to sleep next to those little babies"

wei ying's anguished filled screams  brought tears to yanli's and the jades eyes

Even more so for wangji since he cause it

Wei ying choked on a sob as he finally heard the cries of his babies

He stood up wobbly as he walked to thier crib and sat on the ground near it with his kids in his arms

Second chances mdzs WANGXIAN Book 1Where stories live. Discover now