did you really just adopt a grown man?

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"okay with that out the way" wen rouhan spoke up claiming everyone's attention for himself

"shall i remind everyone that provoking a pregnant omega is a HORRIBLE idea? please refrain from doing that unless you want to end up like a-Chao" he then turned to wei wuxian

"young omega is there anything you want to eat to be comfortable? are you having your cravings as yet?" everyone stared in shock....is this REALLY wen rouhan? the tyrant wen rouhan? the one who kills for fun? the baby eater!?....okay maybe baby eater is a bit much but IS THAT REALLY HIM!?

"ah sect leader i am okay and about cravings....its a bit weird actually" wei wuxian answered cheerfully as if he was NOT talking to a mass murderer

"How so?"wen rouhan tipped his head

"well" wei wuxian started as he stood up and sat on the stairs near wen rouhan's feet only to be made to stand by wen rouhan who made a disciple put a chair next to his throne from him to sit on

"it's more like i'm craving spiritual energy" wei wuxian completely ignore the bewildered stares from everyone

"is that possible?" wen rouhan poured wei wuxian a glass of water

"i don't really know the details you can ask A-qing tho she is my doctor"

"wen qing is your doctor? when did that happen?"

"at cloud recesses"

"...okay anyway lets get the events started so since a-Chao is not here  one of you disciples go fetch a-xu"

"no not fetch ask properly young man" wei wuxian crossed his arms and glared at the sect leader

"u-um a-xian"

"excuse me?"

"i said ask properly this is why everyone thinks you are a bad person now ask properly or else i won't let you feel the baby" wei wuxian answered matter-of-factly

while this is happening everyone down below had one thought in their heads 'this omega got balls i swear'

while the sect leaders all secretly place their hands on their swords/saber incase anything where to arise

the stare off between the wen sect leader and wei wuxian went on for five more minutes before wen rouhan sighed and nodded making wwx smile brightly 

"good! now ask nicely with a 'please' at the beginning and 'thank you' at the end"

wen rouhan sighed in defeat as he turned to the stunned disciple " can you...PLEASE go get a-xu to host the event...thank you" the disciple nodded and ran for his life

"great now give me your hand" with out waiting wwx grabbed the sect leaders hand with his left as he used his right hand to slightly part his robes at the mid section

"has anybody else gotten to feel it?" rouhan asked gently as his hand is placed on the swollen tummy

"yes only one though"

"oh, your alpha i presume?"

"nope you presumed wrong deary, it was actually my best friend so you're the second, sweetheart"

"...deary?.... sweetheart?"

"yup you are my son now and i take no rejections-ah here it is!" 

everyone went silent as wen rouhan felt the tiny feet of the unborn twins kick against his hand

"wow-wait how can i be your son i am a grown man and you're still a kid"

"growth is just a number it don't count!" wei wuxian said firmly as he clothed his belly again

"wha-that-that makes no sense"

"in the end you are my son i take no objections got it!" wei ying

"...fine" wen rouhan shook his head at the omega

"yay! now call me mommy!" wei wuxian petted his hair


would you believe me if i said he was flustered ??-_-

"aww fine" wei ying pouted

"father? you called for me?"

"ah A-xu! a-Chao is out of commission i need you to take over"

"okay but may i ask how he is out of commission?"

"....he angered this omega and got his ass handed to him" wen rouhan points to wei wuxian so smiled at wen xu and waved

"...im not gonna question it, and i shall do as you say father" with that wen xu walked down the platform

"do you want to go back down to your family wei wuxian?" wen rouhan asked after seeing the looks the lan and jiang sect leader sent at the boy

"mn and you can call me wei ying or a-ying"

"okay then a-ying you can call me rouhan then"

"a-han it is!"

"no i said-ahhh forget it go ahead" wen rouhan shooed him away

as wei wuxian walked away wen rouhan mumbled to himself

'i did not just get adopted by a teenager.....damn pregnant omegas are scary i swear the look in his eyes said if i did not accept i would be joining a-Chao in the infirmary"

while the rest of the sect leaders thought while looking at the omega 

'you did not just adopt a grown man' with a sweatdrop

to be continued

so guys what do you think? i kinda like good wen rouhan cuz i feel like he and i would be gossip and spill tea friends so yeah don't mind me *sips tea*

next chapter would be a time skip to AFTER the event since wen chao isn't there thats a piece of drama cutt out so imma make up for it next chapter which takes place as the winners are announced (yes the wens will place since  a-ning is there) BAIIII

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