I think not! part 2

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(Note: more explination about my ABO au will be given and it's ridiculous so don't come @ me)

It has been two weeks since the twins was born and everything was as peaceful as can be

The disciples was back to practicing properly

Vendors were yelling their prices

And the usual fun atmosphere of lotus Pier was back

In the meeting room

Sat the lan Brothers along with lan qiren one one side of the table

Opposite them sat wen Qing with her brother wen Ning

At the top end sat the Jiang leaders

While the Jiang siblings sans wei ying sat at the bottom

They were discussing the best method to help the two reconcile before their time was up

"How about we just lock the two in a shed? That will force them to cooperate" Jiang Cheng deadpanned

".... that's not a bad idea but I don't think we should" xichen smiled nervously

"Why not?"

"Any of you know what trauma is???" Wen Qing asked sarcastically

"He was rapped in a closed room by the very person you WANT to lock him in a room with" wen Ning translated


"Yeah...oh" wen Qing rolled her eyes

"So what should we do?" Madam yu sipped her tea gracefully

"I actually want to find something out" we Qing turned serious making everyone give her attention

"What is it?"

"Lan wangji I want you to answer me truthfully, the only answers you can give is yes or no, understand?"

Lan wangji looked taken aback but nodded in confirmation anyways

"Great, so the first time wei ying got his heat, and before you went crazy did you feel like there was something moving in your blood?"

Lan wangji's eyes widened "yes"

Wen Qing a d her brother shared a knowing look

"What? What did you find out?"

Fengmian was ignored as wen Qing continued

"Whiles you were raping him were you in a conscious state?"

The question made the room go silent






"Thank you and next time let me finish my damn question" she turned to the lan boy again

"You were in a conscious state but did it seem like you couldn't control your body, like someone else was controlling you?"


"Fucking hell-"

Wen wing cursed as she turned to wen Ning

"...jie...is it what I hope it isn't?"

"I don't know a-ning one last question and we will get our answer"

"Can somebody please just tell us what's going on!?" They were ignored again

"Lan wangji....at some point during the guest disciples stay did you get anything like a mosquito bite but it stayed red for at least a few hours?"

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