here comes the ✨ boys✨ part 2

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let's just hop straight into it!

Wei ying's POV

after giving birth i was confined to my bed, for whatever reason

even when i told a-qing that i was fine and felt energetic she still threatened me with her scary needles


anyways at least my babies are with me and OH. MY. GOSH  they are SOOO adorable!

kind of confused how they came out from me but eh!

i slowly sat up from bed, still sore from child birth, as I gazed at the twins who were sleeping on the bed next to me

i must admit, i may have a really deep hate for lan zhan......BUT DAMN HE MAKES GOOD KIDS!


i slowly reached out my right hand and gently swiped again each of their heads. 

their skin is so soft its as if the slightest of touches can bruise that perfect skin


as if knowing its their omega mother, the twins leaned into the touch, melting Wei Ying's heart 

before he could squeal as if on cue the door to his room opened and in came the father of the twins



lan wangji froze like a deer in headlights he had just left wei ying to go get another blanket since wei ying was shivering in his sleep, so he thought he was cold, never did he think that wei ying would be awake the second he came back

now this was awkward

the last conversation the two had when they were alone was an argument with all their inner feeling thrown into the mix

knowing that wei ying hated him now, lan zhan was saddened but he knew he was in the wrong, which is why he felt extremely guilty AND furious with himself for even feeling hurt by that

but now that wei ying was awake......just what were they supposed to talk about?

"....why are you just standing there lan wangji?" wei ying asked in a cold tone making wangji flinch

knowing that it was an invite he quietly came in and closed the door, then he went to sit on the bed next to the kids, still staring at wei ying

" there something on my face or what?" wei ying raised a brow

"it's not" lan zhan offered the blankets

Wei ying stared at him blankly before taking them from him

"Why are you giving these to me?" He tipped his head

Lan wangji gently caressed the forehead of little jingyi before he answered wei ying

"You were shivering in your sleep, so I thought you were cold" he glanced at wei ying with a warm gaze before looked back down at his children

Accepting that reasoning wei ying opened the warm blankets on his legs before he picked up jingyi and placed his in wangji's arms

"!!" Wangji

"What? Wangji you're his father, and he is just a baby he won't explode" wei ying giggled a little before also picking up and cradling little sizhui in his arms

Wangji lightly bounced jingyi making the baby giggle, getting a small smile from him

"I didn't know you were good with babies" wei ying casual spoke up

Wangji shook his head "I'm not I just thought A-yi acts more like you so he would like that"

"Like me?"

"Yeah he seems to have more energy than a-yuan, a-yuan has been asleep even before I left for the blankets but A-yi has woken up around six times"

"Hahaha it really does seem like we made two cubs who are like a mini lan wangji and wei ying"


The couple continued to enjoy the one time they both shared a quiet moment together with their kids

Lan wangji lightly bouncing ayi, making the little cub giggle in delight

Wei ying humming to the still asleep a-yuan, but even though he was asleep as if knowing that his a-niang was the one holding him, a-yuan snuggled closer to his chest, getting a soft gasp from wei ying

The moment was peaceful and perfect

But how long was this gonna last?

This was only the calm before the storm


hey guys this chapter was actually already done I just didn't type up the ending for this arch which i apologize for

Altho this one is kinda short don't worry we still have like.....

5 chapters left?

Until book 2✨

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