five months later...

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3rd person's POV

"Any questions?" Lan qiren asks as he turned to the students

It has been a few months after the incident , they all heard about the pregnancy and was wondering how wwx was doing it seems today would be thier name to know

"Lan laoshi" wen qing's voice was heard as everyone turned towards the entrance

"Wen-daifu, is there something I can help you with?"

"Yes actually I need to borrow either lan wangji or jiang Cheng, it's about time a-ying comes back to class, plus his begging to step outside is getting annoying" wen qing sighed

"I will go" lan wangji stood up

"Very well right this way" wen qing left with wangji

"You there can you sit somewhere else wwx needs to sit near wangji so he can get spiritual energy to thier children" lan qiren explained to the disciple who nodes and sat near a Jin disciple

"Carefully" wen ning's voice came from the entrance as they yet again turned to them only to have their breath knocked out of them

Wwx....was absolutely beautiful

His hair, silky and shiny, braided over his shoulder with the left side tucked behind his ear (typical anime mom style)

His skin was glowing

His eyes where like diamonds shining in the sun

But that was not all

One can easily see that he had gained some weight

His baby bump was very noticeable

And he also lost height

He-wait lost height?

Exactly that  everyone knew wwx and lwj where the same height but right about now lwj is about 2inches taller causing wwx to look up at him

One more thing

Wwx had a sweet warm smell to him....he smelled like home

"Alright let me let all of you on some advice don't anger him, his hormones are starting to go haywire, one moment he will be rainbows and unicorns the next he won't hesitate to tear of your head " wen qing explain as they finally sit wwx down "also do not touch his belly with out permission unless you want to loose a finger" after that she bowed to lan qiren

"A-ying I will be back later on" wen qing said fondly to him

"Okay a-qing" everyone was yet again shocked by his voice, it seems that the five months of pregnancy as turned wwx it the mother every one wants

"Wei ying give me your wrist" lan wangji asked his.....wife?

"Mn" wwx gave it to him

It is a well known fact that even though wwx is carrying lwj's children, wwx did not infact like lwj

After the accident five months ago wwx could bearly look the taller man in the eye, he doesn't speak to him unless necessary

Infact wwx hated lwj

"Are you okay wuxian?" Xichen asked as he smiled at the younger

"Ah I'm alright altho these two little buns probably enjoy sapping all my energy I am perfectly fine" wwx smiled softly unknowingly causing other's hearts to soar

"Good good now back to the question who would like to answer?" Qiren asked

Lan wangji raised his hand

~at lunch~

The idle chatter in the lunch hall promptly stopped as the pregananat goddess entered with the help of his alpha, his brother and the wen siblings

"Ah wei-xiong!" Nie huaisang shouted with glee when wwx sat next to him

"Aiya! Nie-xiong! How are you?"

"I'm fine you look absolutely gorgeous" the fan lover compliments

"A-ah hehehe nie-xiong you tease" wwx blushed "aiya do you want to know something amazing?"


"They are kicking" wwx cheered getting the attention of everyone

"WOW really!?" Nie huaisang watched in wonder

"Hm do you want to feel them?"

"C-can I?"

"Hehe sure just give me your hand" with that nie huaisang put down is fan then gave his hand to wwx

Wwx then partially parted his robes to expose his belly, guiding nie huaisang hand gently as he placed it on his belly

"Gasp" nie huaisang gasp as he felt a kick

"Omg that's so precious"

"Let me feel" a lan disciple, su she said roughly as he pushed nie huaisang away to touch the pregnant omegas belly, as he got closer to touching

"Grrrrr" wwx growled as he eyed su she's hand

"Lan disciple I have already said you should never touch a pregnant omegas belly without permission" hissed wen qing "unless you want to lose that hand I suggest you slowly back your hand away"

"Tsk why should I listen to a wen-dog?" Su she finally placed his hand on wwx belly only to scream in pain when wwx bite him drawing blood while he growled louder


"Wei ying let go of his hand" lan wangji tried to sooth his omega only to be ignored

"Sigh they never listen jiang Cheng let out some calm phormones"

As the phormones is let out wwx slowly let go of the hand in side his mouth as he hissed at su she

"LET IT BE KNOWN AGAIN DO NOT TOUCH AN PREGNANT OMEGAS BELLY" wen qing raised her voice for the bitches in the back

"Come along a-ying time to drink your energy boosters"

To be continued

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