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There are many theories about the existence of soulmates, the oldest originating 5,000 years ago in ancient Egypt. The story goes that twins Isis and Osiris were very much in love, and enraged by jealousy their brother Set kidnaps and kills Osiris. Grief-stricken, Isis merges with Osiris' spirit and they conceive a god-like child, Horus. Angered, Set had his brother's body cut into fourteen pieces and scattered them. In response Isis shows her eternal love by collecting the pieces, and he eventually comes back to life.
Personally, I prefer Plato's more modern, inclusive theory. According to him, once there existed three kinds of human creatures, males, females, and creatures of both genders. This third creature originally had four arms, four legs, two faces, four ears, and two sets of genitalia....Got the visual?
Anyway, the humans became arrogant, and began to wonder if perhaps they might take the place of the Gods. Horrified and after much debate, Zeus split the humans, a.k.a. us, and rendered us far less powerful, condemning us to spend the rest of our lives yearning and searching for our other half.
To provide some comfort, he allowed us to 'merge,' for a short time, with our other half. Male sought out male, female sought out female, and the split humans sought out their opposite gender.

Whatever the reason, if there really is one, scientists took a shining to the theories. In an attempt to solidify the saying, 'make love, not war,' worldwide governments sent forth their greatest scientists to the top of the world, with the idea in mind that if would could meet, and fall in love with our soulmate, then we would not feel the need for hatred, anger, jealousy. We would be content.
Unfortunately, before their serum could be completed, the third world war erupted.
A bloodbath of advanced nuclear warfare killed billions, and left malformed communities scattered around the globe. Centuries of hardship and struggles left the 'Perfect half' serum forgotten, until geneticist Sergio Aerov stumbled upon the abandoned facility whilst on an expedition to find and collect more survivors.
Aerov dedicated his life to completing the forgotten serum, and on the cusp of his eighty-first birthday, Sergio Aerov completed what had been started five-hundred years earlier. The soulmate serum was complete.

Hey hey, I was thinking about entering this story in the Wattys2015, and have the first 7 chapters written. Lemme know what you think, and if you like it :P

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