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I spend the day eating and sleeping, with Artie visiting occasionally for his lessons. It's peaceful, relaxing, and I couldn't be happier at that moment, under the watchful eye of my guard. They follow me less frequently, the few times I go and change my rags, likely due to some order from Archer. I don't see him until later, an hour or so after dinner, when he comes with fresh clothes, and a flaxen basket full of something. "I thought you might want to wash, I was planning on going down there and needed some things from here," he puts the objects on the end of the bed before going over to grab some of his own clothes from a trunk. "You can come with me if you want?" I stare at him with wide, scandalised eyes. Seeing my expression he hurries to reassure me, "No, not like that! I won't look, I promise. I just think it would be safer for you if I was close by."

I think about it for a moment, my face hot, but slowly nod. I always felt gross on my period, as if I always needed a bath. That was one thing I liked about Durness, I could bathe any time I wanted, day or night. "Yes...I think that would be a good idea." He nods, and I don't miss the small smile on his face as he grabs my things to carry, much to my protest.

"Did you like what I got for you?" He asks, in a jovially conversational mood.

"Yes," I reply timidly, "thank you, it was...very thoughtful."

"I thought you might want it. I read the names and decided it was the best thing, plus I had to get out of there as quickly as I could, guards are crawling all over the place."

"And...my parents?"

"Well, they have been moved to private rooms in the town hall, along with the families and all the remaining councillors. There has been a bit of an uproar after your kidnapping," he flashes a white, toothy grin, "some are even saying they are going to come hunt us down and bring you back." He cracks his knuckles, eyes alight with anticipation, "Now that is something I would enjoy, spilling a little Toff blood." I sigh, knowing there's no point in commenting. He can be so nice, then so bloodthirsty in the same damn conversation. As I walk along I notice a glow ahead of me and frown.

"What's that light from?"

"Hmm?" He looks away from me and then nods, "Oh, that. We're working on installing solar powered lights all through Durness. At the moment they're only in a few areas of priority. But we're slowly getting them wired down the main paths now."

"That will be good, safer for the children," he glances sidelong at me, probably hearing the undertone of 'easier for me' somewhere in there.

"Well, we all really learn the paths off by heart, and it may disorientate some for a while, but yes, it is safer. Nowhere for those children to hide in their hunting games mind you." No hiding for me, you mean, I think bitterly. A couple of men are securing wires and plastic lights to the ceiling, and Archer briefly exchanges greetings as I duck my head and keep out of their immediate view. We continue on and it's only as we reach the bath house that I begin to wonder how Archer knew where my parents and the councillors were. But that became a secondary concern as the splashes, murmurs and giggles announced the presence of other people. To my surprise Archer puts a finger to his lips, before taking my hand and pulling me to the far left where the candle light barely reaches. I can only just see the profile of his face as he puts everything down at a safe difference from the edge of the inky black water. "We are very close to where the river disappears underground, but we've covered it with a thick grate, and we widened the river to make steps and seating," Archer speaks lowly, so as not to alert anyone of our position. "I'll turn away, you can undress and enter first. Just be prepared, the water can be very hot at first." He does as he says and turns away, I hesitate for only a moment before stripping as fast as I can, piling my clothes next to the wall and slipping into the water. I can't stop the unconscious gasp that escapes my lips as tingles prickle up my legs, I quickly plunge in to my shoulders, and turn back around to Archer. He looks over his shoulder quickly, before turning fully to face me. As I watch, he unbuttons his sleeveless shirt and pulls it off. It's only when he goes for the strings of his pants that I suddenly snap my head away, and instead face the dark wall that must be somewhere in front of me. I hear a quiet splash, and ripples splash against my shoulders, disturbed by Archer's movement.

A Splatter of Other #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now