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I smile and turn to link my fingers behind Archer's neck. Looking up into his face I nod, "Yes, but I have been waiting for you. I thought you were going to watch me with Silas all night."

"Nonsense, I would not have left you all night, I would have to steal you away for at least an hour."

I roll my eyes, a laugh escaping despite myself, "That is unless I sought you out first." His eyes flash and he kisses me quickly before turning me around. Taking this as a command I begin to dance. The bodies press in on all sides and I quickly forget any inhibitions I might've had, opting to dance up against Archer's firm body, rather than the modest way I had been taught in school. Mistress Pomphrey would be horrified if she saw the way I dropped to the floor and slid back up, rubbing myself on him the entire time. The thought makes giggle as I wrap my arms back around his neck behind me, rubbing my bottom against him. I grin at his growl as his hands slide around to flatten themselves down the inner side of my hip bones. I turn my head to the side and look into his eyes, only inches away from my own. I can see the intention in them before he moves, but I am quicker and I spin away, grinning teasingly. He glowers and latches onto my wrist, pulling me flush against chest. In response I smile and roll my hips against his, causing a hiss to escape between his clenched teeth.

"I am three seconds away from dragging you to the nearest dark corner and making you regret that."

I laugh, the sound euphoric, "Oh I doubt very much that I'd regret it," I press a soft kiss to the underside of his jaw, running my hands along his bare shoulders. "Perhaps I will drag you to some dark corridor." He runs a hand over the curve of my lower back, turning to nip my earlobe.

"You seem to be in a very good mood," he murmurs in my ear, fingers lazily hooking themselves in the front of my pants.

"Mmmm," is the reply he receives as I plant another kiss at the base of his throat.

"Mmmm," he imitates, casually slipping his hand inside, bypassing my knickers and going straight for the sensitive spot between my legs.

"Archer!" I gasp, fingers digging into his shoulders as my head snaps up to gaze at him.


"Wh-what are you do-doing?" I stammer as his finger begins to make slow circles.

"You tell me."

"We - you sho-shouldn't do that here," I suck in a breath, trying to concentrate.

"Why not? There are a couple having sex over there, I think this is pretty tame," his finger slides in and I groan, "compared to that. Although," his hand pulls away, "maybe you're right." I hiss at him, frustrated in both senses. "Oh but that isn't fair," his hand is back and I bite the inside of my cheek to stifle a moan. "Then again-'

"Archer!" I snap in frustration as he completely pulls away this time, and he laughs, eyes glittering darkly.

"Frankie, there is plenty of time for thatlater, for now we should celebrate the fact that Winter has come," he tilts mychin up and kisses away my scowl, "I'll celebrate you coming later." The darkpromise in that sentence makes my shiver in anticipation and I forgive him,mostly, for the tease. We continue dancing, me no more sensibly, and Archer wouldoccasionally mutter all the punishments I'd endure as revenge once he got meout of the public eye, to which I would return with something else provoking. Afew men asked if I wanted to dance, but Archer growled at them threateninglyand with an apologetic smile I refused as nicely as I could, although I doubtthey cared much what my answer was as they stared at the man behind me. When weweren't kissing or practically at it on the floor, we drank whatever we couldget our hands on. I was having so much fun, dancing in groups with the othergirls occasionally, giggling about things that weren't exactly small-talkappropriate. I was so used to the strange music that when it faded to arhythmic drum beat I was slightly taken aback.

A Splatter of Other #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now