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I bump along, following the movements of the cab as we make our way over Nysa's uneven surface. There are clouds overhead, making it impossible to see the four other vehicles, loaded with gun-toting guards. There was no sound, other than the crunch beneath the wheels. I clutch my bag tightly, listening to the even sound of Archer's breathing as we get closer and closer to Arrow. After much heated debate we decided to take the transporters almost the whole way Arrow, and I'd walk the last twenty minutes alone. That was the part that scared me the most, walking off into the darkness, leaving Archer behind, where I wouldn't see him for who knew how long. But I stayed brave, agreeing to the plan because it meant I wouldn't have to walk far carrying the extra weight on my already aching feet.

It feels like forever and not long enough when we finally coast to a stop, and for several minutes we simply sit and stare at the shadows in front of us. Archer is the first to move, and I follow suit, climbing out into the crisp night air. No one else gets out, simply waits at a distance to give us privacy as we meet in front of the truck and I sink into his open arms. "Are you sure about this?" I croak, tears closing my throat as I squeeze him tight.

"Yes, it's for the best." I don't answer, instead squeeze impossibly tighter, forcing a sob down as I inhale the dark, male musk at the base of his throat. I tilt my head back, stand on tiptoes and he leans down to lock lips with mine. Our tongues glide, lips mash and hands clutch desperately, neither willing to let go. But something unspoken passes between us and in unison we step back, only our hands laced. "I will see you whenever I can, and write when I can't," he promises seriously, and I nod.

"Be careful though, you're right, they'll likely have a hundred guards on me when I get back."

I can't see, but I am sure there's a devil-may-care grin on his face as he says, "And you think that'll stop me?"

I laugh quietly, "No, I suppose not."

He kisses me gently, then turns me in the direction I need to go, "Keep going straight, you'll trigger a sensor, and they will turn up within a few minutes of the signal." He presses his lips to my temple, "Until next time, my love."

"Until next time," I croak, pulling away and begging the walk. I don't look back, simple fall into a steady rhythm, timing my footsteps with my heart beat. The crunch beneath my feet is this the only noise in the desert, and I would feel alone, if I couldn't feel the heat of Archer's hidden eyes on me as I walk away.

It seems to take an age, and I wonder if I've accidently turned myself around, if I'm not going in completely the wrong direction. I crunch along, my worry increasing as I see no signs of the city, or any patrols. I keep walking though, deciding to just walk and walk. Someone would eventually find me, I just hoped they'd be friendly. As if to answer my unspoken thoughts, I hear the roll of tires on gravel, and suddenly blinking white lights illuminates my face. I flinch, instinctively shielding my eyes from the harsh glare. Dogs bark, and doors open as people jump out and aim guns at me. "Put your hands where I can see them, filth!"

I slowly raise my arms, still turning my head to the side in an attempt to keep the light from my eyes, "Please," I croak, my throat frustratingly dry and weak.

"Shut up! Talk when spoken to or we'll shoot."

I narrow my eyes at that, and slowly stand up straight, lowering my arms defiantly as his voice registers in my brain. Hey! Put your hands back up now or I'll-"

"Oh shut up Peter, I've been through hell and I really cannot deal with this," I press one hand to my stomach, and the other to my forehead.

"Wait, how do you...Franceska?!"

I smile in the general direction of his voice, relief causing my body to sag, "Hey, cousin, it's been a while."

That's it. It's done! Thanks for those who followed through, please vote/comment/share they all count and help. There might be a second, depends on you guys.
Anyway thanks,
Emmy XX

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