Chapter 5

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As Rose slept, her mind raced with memories, playing things over and over again. Her first dreams were of working for wicked, of how she worked there for about 3 years whilst talking with the right arm, her goal to save Gally and the other kids from the horrible things wicked did to them. She remembered how she had to sneak around and be careful, how she had to help wicked with the maze and watching the boys in the glade but she used those moments to keep an eye on Gally and give herself the motivation to keep on trying. 

The dreams then turned to Teresa and how they had become friends while working, though, Rose never told her about what she was doing. They would talk about how they wish things were with the world and what they think they would be doing if things weren't the way they were. She remembered hanging out with Thomas too, he was a good friend, they talked more about their friends and if what they were doing was right. 

Then, of course, her dreams shifted to Gally. Memories of Gally hurt the most, especially as most of them were happy since her brother tried so hard to make her smile even when things were scary. Eventually, memories of her parents started surfacing, of how Gally tried to keep things happy as their mom got sick and quickly started becoming a completely different person, mostly just a shell of a person. Of how she cried as Gally hugged her when their mom died and their dad became vacant. Of when the soldiers came searching for children and they were taken, their dad not putting up a fight or caring as Rose cried for him and Gally didn't let her go. 

"Hey! Get out of here!" Thomas shouted and Rose jumped slightly from her sleep at the sudden noise. She took a deep breath as she opened her eyes, gathering her bearings for a second, watching as Thomas shooed a bird away that was picking at stuff from their bags. Rose pushed herself up onto her elbow, glancing to Minho who had also woken up from the noise before looking back at Thomas who was looking around. The others groaned and yawned as they too woke up. Rose moved to a sitting position, looking around at where they were, noticing that other than the broken rubble and sand, there wasn't much else around. 

"Are they gone?" Newt asked as he sat up, noticing Thomas looking around, checking the area was clear before they started getting up. 

"Yeah, I think we're safe for now," Thomas answered, turning his attention back to the sleepy group. Rose offered Minho a small smile as he sat up beside her. The boy returned the small smile, his face still tired, and placed a small kiss on her forehead, something that Rose loved, the comfort it brought making her smile once again. "Okay, we should get moving," Thomas announced, grabbing his backpack from the floor and slinging it over his shoulder. "Let's pack it up. Aris, come on, Fry, Winston. Let's go," Thomas continued as the group was reluctant to move so quickly after just waking. 

Rose sighed as she pushed herself to her feet, reaching down to grab her bag before placing it on her back. She already knew the day was going to be difficult as it was already hot and they had no idea where they were going or what the scorch was like. The others were also getting to their feet. Rose looked to Winston as he groaned, the mere act of sitting up causing him deep pain. She noticed how he still looked weak and she hoped that what she and Minho had done last night would help the boy heal. 

"Come on," Minho placed a hand on Rose's arm, bringing her attention away from Winston as Frypan helped him up. They had to get moving before the things came back or wicked found them. Thomas took the lead as they started climbing up to where the sun shone, Teresa and Aris followed next before the others filed behind them. 

As they continued to make their way up, Rose kept looking back to Winston, making sure he was okay enough and keeping up with them. She didn't want him to be left behind. Eventually, they got out into the open and Rose looked in awe as many large broken buildings came into view, it was a city that had been destroyed in the sun flares. 

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