Chapter 10

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Once the group had finished their food, food for which they were incredibly grateful for and even though it was simple, it tasted amazing, and they had drunk multiple cups of water which their bodies were desperate for, they started to split up. 

Rose watched as Thomas grabbed a plate of food for Brenda and Jorge as he stated he wanted to make sure they were okay. Teresa had decided to go on a walk when Thomas left, she was quiet, quieter than Rose was used to but no one said anything as she walked away, hands in the pockets of her coat. Aris had gone off to find Harriet and Sonya, explaining how he wanted to catch up with them. 

Rose was feeling better, the food and water had given her more energy. She noticed the others seemed happier too and their eyes were brighter as they talked and laughed. She didn't feel as cold either now and her head was much clearer, making her feel more grounded and in control of her emotions. 

"Why don't we go look around?" Frypan suggested to the group as he looked at others busying around, some were eating, some were sorting boxes and moving them and others talked as they relaxed. 

"Sounds better than just sitting here," Newt replied as he stood up, brushing his trousers off of dirt before putting his hands deep into his pockets. Rose looked to Minho to see if they were going to join them, Minho gave her a look of 'why not' before also getting to his feet. Rose stood too, adjusting her coat and moving some hair out of her face before moving to join the three, carefully walking around the fire. 

The air felt colder as they got further away from the fire and Rose couldn't help but shiver slightly. Minho watched her as she tried to do her coat up even more and then put her hands into her pockets. He chuckled slightly at how cute she was and Rose noticed, playfully glaring at the boy as they walked. 

"Come here," Minho rolled his eyes, holding his arm out for Rose to get closer to him. Rose blushed as Minho pulled her into his side and she nearly tripped over her own feet, though it was much warmer being beside him. 

"Thank you," Rose spoke quietly, smiling up to Minho. 

"I wonder where this safe haven will be?" Newt spoke after a moment and Rose looked away from Minho and to the blond boy, seeing that he was looking around at everything going on. Rose wondered too, would they be safe wherever they went?

"Hopefully somewhere far away," Frypan commented. They were still walking, Rose wasn't sure where they were going or even if it was anywhere in particular. Frypan and Newt led the way, they started climbing over rocks and Rose held onto Minho's hand as they followed. 

"Do you think we will ever be safe? You know, somewhere where Wicked won't ever find us?" Rose asked after a moment. Frypan and Newt stopped ahead, looking back to Rose and Minho as they thought of a response. 

"I would hope that they would give up eventually," Newt sighed with a small shrug of his shoulders. 

"These people seem pretty good at what they do, I'm sure we will be fine," Minho stated nodding towards the camp. Rose looked too, she hoped that they were both right, that this would be the end of the running and fighting for them. 

"Come on, we don't need to think about that now anyway," Frypan interrupted with a cheery voice, he always tried to make sure everyone was happy. Rose nodded in agreement and the group of them started walking and climbing over the rocks again. 

Just as they were starting to climb up the side of some larger rocks, Frypan slipped over, falling right onto his butt. They all paused for a moment looking down at the boy in silence before Rose burst out laughing. Frypan started laughing next as he was still on the floor, Newt and Minho quickly joined in, not being able to stop themselves as the others two laughter was contagious. 

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