Chapter 9

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Rose stumbled into the room, the strange blonde man pushing the three of them. The place was full of teenagers and young adults, it was cluttered with furniture, lights were everywhere and music echoed through Rose's ears. 

Rose wasn't sure if it was what they had drunk or just the atmosphere and lack of sleep but her head felt she was underwater and sounds were starting to muffle together. The three started walking cautiously into the room, looking at the people who seemed out of the minds and obviously had no care in the world as they danced and drank.

"Maybe we should split up?" Brenda suggested as they came to a stop. If their friends were in this place, it would be quicker to find them if they were able to look in more places. Rose nodded in response though she had a feeling something was wrong. "See if we can find the others," Brenda continued, looking to Thomas who also looked just as out of it as she felt. "Don't drink anything else," The short-haired girl warned Thomas before looking towards Rose, making sure she understood too. 

Rose took a deep breath before turning away, trying her best to keep her mind straight as she started working her way through the crowd. There were so many faces it was difficult to see if any of them were their friends and all she could hear was loud music and muffled voices of the people around. 

The room seemed to get even smaller and cramped as Rose moved, a layer of sweat covered her skin and people constantly bumped into her. She stumbled, finding it more and more difficult to keep her balance, whatever they had drunk, it wasn't good. 

As she looked through the crowd, Rose caught a glimpse of someone familiar. Her stomach dropped at the sight of the sandy hair and tall build but surely it couldn't be him right? Gally was dead. 

It didn't matter, instinct took over her body and before Rose knew it, she was pushing and stumbling through drunk teenagers, heading towards the person. Once close enough, Rose grabbed the boys shoulder, turning him towards her. She gasped, seeing his face and it hurt. 

"Gally," Rose breathed but before anything else could happen, the boy in front of her was impaled. Rose jumped in shock, her mind reliving what had happened to her brother and tears automatically started falling. It couldn't be real, Rose knew her mind was playing tricks but it looked so real. 

As if she wasn't in control of her body, Rose then turned to see where the spear had come from and once again, her breath hitched in her throat as she Minho. Standing in a far corner, just staring towards her, was Minho. 

Immediately, Rose pushed the people around her, stumbling even more as she mumbled his name tiredly. Just as Rose was in range of being able to touch him, everything seemed to get darker and suddenly, Minho was grabbed by a mechanical arm. It ripped into the boy's skin and Rose screamed, pure fear filling her body as a large griever towered on the room. 

She tried to run but her feet got tangled underneath her and she fell to the floor, the people around her not even batting an eyelid. Everything looked hazy and Rose could barely focus on a single sound. She tried looking for Brenda or Thomas but there was no one she recognised. 

Well, not until she noticed a pair of shoes by her hands and she looked up. It was Frypan but it wasn't, not really, he was a crank and Rose yelled as she shuffled back on the floor before stumbling and rushing to get to her feet. 

The screams and cries of cranks, people too far gone, filled her ears and as she ran, she was stopped by another crank. This time it was Newt and Rose screamed, wanting to be out of this nightmare, to know it wasn't real. All she wanted was to see her friends alive. 

Suddenly, Rose felt someone grab her by her shoulders, turning her around. She felt relieved when she saw Brenda looking concerned but Rose didn't entirely trust her mind, she wasn't sure that Brenda was really there. 

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