Chapter 6

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Rose watched as her feet moved through the sand, it being easier to keep her head down rather than having the sun in her eyes as they continued walking through the scorch. No one spoke, no one had the energy to or the will to.

Rose wasn't sure how long they had been walking for or how long they planned to keep walking but all she knew was that she was tired, exhausted more like. All she wanted was to stop, to have warm food and a pillow, there was even a part of her that wished to be back in the glade, things seemed so much simpler then.  

It was still hot, even as the sun began to lower in the sky. Their walking had become slower and slower as time passed, bodies begging for a break. Thomas had taken the lead once again and everyone just followed. 

Rose stumbled in the sand as they made their way down the dune, falling to her knees and she debated just staying there, struggling to find the energy to get herself to her feet. Luckily, Minho was by her side, helping her to her feet with an understanding look. He was tired too, they all were. 

"Come on, keep it up guys," Thomas finally spoke from the front, his eyes blank but his mind so focused on not stopping, so much, he hadn't realised how much the others needed a break. Rose kept hold of Minho's hand as she got back to walking, focusing on him for motivation to keep walking. She turned her head back as Frypan groaned from behind them, he was last in the group, trailing behind and clearly the closest to giving up. 

"Can you wait up?" Rose called ahead to Thomas and Aris who were the furthest ahead. She watched as they looked back, slowing their walk slightly but still not stopping. She also encouraged Minho to slow down so Frypan could walk by them. Frypan offered Rose a small smile but it quickly faded as he got beside them. 

The sky was now becoming darker, the sun passing below the horizon and yet, they were all still following Thomas. Rose could tell that Frypan was getting frustrated which was only amplified by the exhaustion and hunger but no one was speaking up, no one had suggested that we stop. 

"Just a little further," Thomas announced and Rose wondered how long a 'little further' would be. Surely they should stop whilst they had places around them to use for shelter, if they carried on along the flat that was ahead of them, then they would either have to walk all night to reach anything or sleep out in the open. 

"We need to stop, we're exhausted," Frypan spoke up and stopped walking. Rose stopped too, hoping that Thomas would realise that it was better to rest than push themselves too much. Minho had also stopped beside Rose and they watched as the others ahead came to a stop to look back at them. Honestly, they all looked like zombies with their dead eyes and clearly no effort left in them. Thomas seemed to debate for a second, looking conflicted on what he wanted to do. 

"Just a bit more," He stated, looking around at everyone in the group before turning back in the direction they were heading. 

"No," Frypan spoke firmly, a clearly annoyed tone in his voice as he dropped his bag to the floor, arms hanging by his side as he stared Thomas down. 

"Fry, we can't just stop here," Newt spoke up, feeling the tension in the air, his voice was slightly raspy from the lack of water. 

"I'm not walking anymore, we have no idea where we are even going," Frypan sighed in frustration. "It's getting dark, we're hungry and tired, we need to stop," He added, trying to explain himself rather than get angry. 

"We're just trying to get as far as possible," Aris claimed as he and Thomas walked back closer to the group so they could talk rather than shout. Frypan shook his head with a sigh. 

Say You Won't Let Go (Minho/OC)Where stories live. Discover now