Chapter 29) Pack Your Tents

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          The mood of Melbrew was quiet and desolate the next few weeks. The strange anxiety I felt over it had vanished, and I was left feeling empty. Was that really it? We really solved Melbrew’s mystery? Well, I guess we didn’t solve it, it was told to us, but… It was still hard to believe. The thing we had spent the last school year obsessing over was… over.

          All this time, Margaret was alive. The Humphrey’s were vampires. The Melbrews knew about the cult, and the vampires, and the murders. That’s why there were so many police in town, and why they seemed unbothered, and why the station was connected to a small tunnel system. They knew what the cause was, they were just not able to catch them.

          Victor was in another dimension. The Melbrew’s were frantic to get him back, and now that he was they could finally shut down the portal. It wasn’t even a lie when they told Veronica they were trying to activate it, either. They were! It was just to get Victor back, and now that he was, they could shut it down for good.

          It was all crazy to think about. But there was still one last thing that we wanted to do, be it a bad idea or not. Veronica had been listening into her family’s conversations, and by now she was confident we could all pull it off.

          We were going through the portal.

[ Friday April 21st, 2017 ]

          It was a cloudy day out that morning, rain definitely in that evening’s forecast. The wind was blowing pretty rapidly, and I was hoping the rain would hold off until nighttime. Luckily the forecast for the next day was sunny and not too hot, making it the perfect weather to carry out the ordeal. We planned to camp down by the lake tonight, and make our way to the portal the next day at sunrise.

          Despite the police confirming that there was no more dangerous activity in Melbrew, our families were still understandably worried, especially mine. Your child having a near death experience while on a field trip is definitely something that will make your parents worry about you for the rest of your life.

          So, in order to minimize the concern to our already frantic families, we said we'd be going to a sleepover party at the apartments, with Cameron's mom being the host. So, we went to Cameron's with a bunch of stuff, and said we were going to go in an abandoned room, and to not bother us. We just had to hope she would stay true to our request, and wouldn't come check on us.

         Our parents would call her to verify where we were, and she'd confirm we were safe and sound in the building. We took multiple photos of ourselves hanging out to send in case anything got suspicious. In actuality, we snuck out near 9 o'clock, and texted her that we were sleeping, and to not bother us. Marcie left a little sooner than us though, as she said she had to "Get something." 

         There was a whole lot of ground to cover from the town to the lake, but it was nothing we couldn't handle before. But we apparently went even going to walk, as the sound of a car pulling up behind us and honking caught my attention.

          Marcie parked the car on the street next to the apartments as we stood waiting. The windows rolled down, and she spoke, slapping the side of the vehicle "Get in the truck, losers! We don't walk where I'm from." She honked the horn again, which caused me to cringe. Don’t bring attention to us!

         “Aw, hell yeah!” Cameron said excitedly as he threw his stuff into the bed of the truck. He eagerly swung open the door, then jumped into the passenger seat. The door closed with a loud slam. Some things never change.

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