Chapter 3) An Amethyst Necklace

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     The alarm on my phone went off at five in the morning the next day. I groaned in annoyance as I turned it off, angry at whoever invented alarm clocks... and time... and the concept of needing to do anything, ever. Though that was only after I turned it off, I may or may not go into fight or flight everytime I hear it.

       I knew I'd go right back to sleep if I didn't get up immediately, so I begrudgingly pushed the covers off my body. Cold autumn air sent shivers across my skin, and upon noticing I'd awoken, Benny began to yell at me for breakfast. Seems my parents were already gone for the day. Already out of the house before 5 am, and I barely ever see them in the evenings, too.

       I rubbed my eyes and grabbed the clothes I set out to wear that day, and went to shower after giving Benny his food. The bathroom we had wasn't the most spectacular around, but it wasn't really a bad one, either. Just kinda eh. I guess that's how you could describe everything in this town, just eh... though most people might say ew instead.

       When I got out of the shower, I decided to dry my hair before doing anything else, as I normally do. When I was done with that, I pulled it into a high ponytail, and got dressed. Same, but different, black turtleneck, grey leggings, and the same black boots that I wore yesterday evening.

       I made some quick toast for breakfast, gave Benny some head pats, and I was off out the door. When I stepped out into the front porch of my house, the atmosphere around was the same as it always is. Slight rain, grey sky, and chilly winds. Walking though my northern neighborhood, over the bridge, past the houses, it was quite a walk. I was going to be in such good shape by the end of the year.

          Arriving at school was the same as the day before, though I did feel a lot more relaxed knowing what to expect from it. My day then went on as one would expect a school day to go, that is until fourth period came around.

      When I walked into my history classroom, Mr. Marshall was sitting at his desk turned away from the door. There were currently three kids in the room, one of which was Dominik reading a book. He looked up, his eyes moving from the paper to me. I watched as his jaw dropped, surprise immediately entering his face as he briefly covered his mouth with his hand after a small gasp.

      His reaction towards seeing me made me scrunch my face in confusion. "Uhhh... what?" I asked. He got out of his seat and walked up to me.

      "Where did you find that necklace? Where did you find it?" He whispered frantically, pointing to the necklace I was wearing, the one that I found yesterday evening.

      "Uh, up by that giant old house on the hill... why?"

      "Oh sh-hoot!" he whispered loudly, "Deadass? You're lying. No. You found Stella Humphrey's necklace!"

      "What? Who... who's Stella Humphrey?" I asked, a little louder, which caused Mr. Marshall to turn around in his seat. Some fellow classmates coming into class also seemed to take notice, but they appeared to not show much interest besides the quick glance.

      "Yo, she found Stella Humphrey's necklace!" Dominik said excitedly the second he noticed Mr. Marshall's attention was now grabbed. Mr. Marshall looked excited now, too.

      "But who is Stella Humphrey?!" I asked again. "And why is her necklace so important? She a famous person, or something? I don't get it!"

      "Join the history club and you can find out." Mr. Marshall said, and stood up from his chair, "May I see it?"

      I was really confused, but took off the necklace and handed it to Mr. Marshall, placing it in his hand. He examined it, "This necklace dates back all the way to over a hundred years ago," he said in awe, "I can't believe the condition it's in! It's practically brand new aside from all the dirt." Then the bell rang, signaling the start of class. "Do you mind if I hold onto this? Just for right now?"

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