Chapter 19) Family Visits

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[ Wednesday December 14th, 2016 ]

[ Third Person POV ]


          It was a calm and quiet evening after school. Veronica Melbrew was sitting at her desk, feeling relaxed as she fluctuated between school studies and personal pursuits. The wind howled softly outside, whistling in the cold, shaking her bedroom window. The trees shook loudly, it all coming together to form a background noise to keep her focus in check.

          Along the way, however, she found herself unable to pull her attention back to her school work after having a look into her own copy of Jane Howell’s book.

          Of course, she already knew much of what was discussed. But other things, why, she had no clue! She had previously only skimmed through the book, assuming that there wasn’t much worth in reading it, but upon finally taking a dive into the pages, she realised she didn't know everything... not even close.

          A wake up call to Veronica, it was. She was not as knowledgeable as she had previously assumed. Apparently, vampires asking to be invited inside is not only a show of respect, but if they enter a household, building, or place without that permission, they lose their magical abilities for about an hour!

          Apparently, it magically stems from the vampiric belief that a household, building, or other place is a sacred shield of protection; a vampire who enters uninvited, loses their magic to prevent any harm that may possibly come from said uninvited person.

          And werewolves— they were originally from the Animal Kingdom! They migrated to the Shadow Realm after finding out that they can transform into different forms under a full moon. What better place to go to than the one where that moon is a constant? That’s the reason why they were originally called “Special Wolves”!

          There was also so much information on aliens, or Zorvims. The history, the planets, the culture, the species! There was even a detailed log of all of the Ieartins’ Invasions, and a history of the Space Pirates who were made to stop them! And the Shadow Realm– Lutho’s books that she wrote are some of the only sources of history available, according to Jane.

           When it came to angels though, there was little to no information on them or their history. The only thing that was talked about was the Royal Light Family, and the Sheeroves, most notably being Queen Willow and King Ziavon. Apparently Ziavon was the first sheerove, and was notorious for killing any dragon he came across. Other than that, there wasn’t really much said. It was more so "modern" events than anything else.

          Veronica was very perplexed as to why that was…

          Could that be why Lutho’s books are the only remnants of Shadow History? And… didn’t Lutho say in her journal itself that history was being burned? That people were being killed in masses? Could that have been it? Most of the Second Reality’s history is… all gone? But why? By who?

         Veronica wore a face of confusion as she tried to piece things together in her head, and tried her best to remember what exactly Lutho wrote. She had said that she was afraid of being forgotten, of everything being erased and changed. Who would've thought that she'd be one of the only things kept preserved, and that her personal writings were all that her land would have to know of its past...

          While Veronica finally realized she wasn’t as much of a know it all as she had thought, there were lots, lots, more things she was also unaware of. For one, she knew nothing of the news that her family had been keeping from her. A surprise was to await them! She was snapped out of her intense focus by the sound of her mother’s loud voice.

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