Chapter 4

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2018, Paris, France

"Quindi Marlena torna a casa, che il freddo qua si fa sentire
Quindi Marlena torna a casa, che non voglio più aspettare
Quindi Marlena torna a casa, che il freddo qua si fa sentire
Quindi Marlena torna a casa, che ho paura di sparire"

         Michelle felt the urge to throw up when she first heard the chorus of MÅNESKIN's new song, Thomas had warned her that their new song was about her, she knew it, but it still hurt. It was october, 1st, their new song was online and MÅNESKIN's fans were on fire on Twitter, all of them wanted to know who Marlena was, but Marlena was not real, Elle was real, and that song broke her heart. It had been almost a year since she left Italy, she should have been over Damiano and Damiano should have been over her, but they were not. She sighed when she heard someone knocked on her door, the French girl was not expecting anyone, it must have been Clara, even though Clara never knocked on the door. Elle shut down the music and got up of the sofa to open the door, but there was no one behind it, only a beautiful flower bouquet. There was a card, that she picked up before realising who had sent the flowers, she knew that handwriting, she had saw that person write hundreds of lyrics with this handwriting.

"Quindi Marlena torna a casa, che non voglio più aspettare...
We will find our way back to each other, Michelle, I miss you,
Forever yours,

         Michelle let out a sob, she had not heard from him for almost a year now, the only member of the band she heard of was Thomas, he was the one to tell her how the others were doing but hearing from Damiano was painful. She took the bouquet and walked into the kitchen where her aunt was siting.

"Who was it, Michelle? I heard a knock on the door."
"The deliver guy, but when I arrived, he was already gone." It was true, or at least it must have been.
"Who sent those flowers? It is a lovely bouquet." Her aunt was asking too many questions. Elle let out another sob and ended up crying in her aunt's arms. "It was him, right? That guy you met in Italy; he sent those flowers?"

         The blond-haired teenager could not say anything, so she just nodded, she had never talked about Damiano, it was her biggest secret, the one that she had not even told Clara. Most of what happened in Italy, stayed in Italy, she had hide most of it, not because she was ashamed but because she cherished those moments.

"You never told me about him, you loved him, right? I mean, I know you did, and I think you still do. Is that why you did not want to go back to Italy last summer?" Once again, Michelle only nodded, she feared that if she opened her mouth, she would say something that she would regret. "Oh, darling, it will be alright, you will see."

        After a while, Elle finally calmed down and went to her room with her flowers and her card, she was still shaking, and it only got worse when she tried to write her text to thanks Damiano.

Hi, Dami,
Thank you for the flowers and congrats about your new song,
Miss you,
Sincerely yours,

See you soon in Paris, Elle...

         What? Did he just write "see you soon in Paris"? Now she was completely freaking out, it was something to get flowers from Damiano, it was something else to see him in Paris, in her town, the town she left them for. There was only one way to know whether MÅNESKIN was coming to Paris or not, she had to call Thomas. He picked up almost instantly, the French singer could her his friends behind him, of course they must be celebrating the release of their new song.

M: Thomas please do not tell them that it is me.
T: Alright, guys, I will be back it is my mom.

         She heard the others yell "Hello!" which made her laugh, it felt great to hear their voice, even if they thought it was someone else. She heard a door clapping before Thomas talked again.

T: Are you alright, Elle? You never call, you always send messages.
M: Damiano sent me flowers.
T: That idiot did what? I cannot believe it; he has not sent a single message to you in a year and now he sends flowers?
M: Thomas focus please. I sent him a text to thank him, and he answered by saying "see you soon in Paris". Are you guys coming to Paris soon?
T: It was supposed to be a surprise, we all agreed on that, but David ruined it.
M: Thomas, as much as I miss you all guys, I cannot see him, I cannot. Damiano have to move on, he has to be happy again.
T: He will not be happy without you, Elle, and I know that you have not moved on neither.
M: Thomas, please, it will kill me to see him again, it broke my heart to leave him, I cannot live that once again.
T: Fine, I will do my best, Elle, but it will break his heart to go to Paris without seeing you. But you are one of my best friends, so I will do that for you.
M: Thank you, Thomas, it means a lot to me. I know it will hurt him, but it is for the best. Congrats about Torna a casa, it is a really beautiful song.
T: He wrote it for you after you left, Elle.
M: I know. You should go back to them; you guys have to celebrate.
T: We love you, Elle, I hope you know it, right?
M: I know, I love you too. Talk to you soon, Thomas.
T: See you.

         Michelle knew that it was low to ask that to Thomas, but it would kill her to see Damiano, that night she ended up crying a lot while listening to her friends' song, they were so talented, more than she would ever be. She fell asleep holding Damiano's card in her hand, she woke up hours later when her phone rang next to her face, she did not see who was calling but she answered anyway, it was late at night, it must have been important.

?: Michelle, am I waking you up?
M: Ethan? You are aware that it is like... 4am? And that I have school tomorrow?
E: I am sorry, it is about Damiano.
M: Did something happen? Is he alright?
E: He... Thomas told him that it was not a good idea to come to see you to Paris. He got really drunk and... he told us that he is in love with you.
M: Ethan, I love Damiano, I do but it cannot work between him and I, I...
E: No, that is not why I called you, I understand your point.
M: You do?
E: Yes, we have a concert in Paris on February 9th, I will send you a ticket alright? Even if you guys do not talk, please come.
M: You will tell him? That I will be here?
E: No, no one will know before the concert, I will tell them once it is over. But please, Michelle, come, it is really important to us.
M: You know, I would have come anyway. Thank you, Ethan.
E: See you, Elle.

         Elle went back to sleep still feeling down but it was better now that she had talk to Ethan, even if had not been that close with him when she was in Italy, she was happy he had call. Maybe life would get better after all.

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