Chapter 11

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2019, Rome, Italy

Michelle woke up with a huge hangover the next morning, it took her a while to realize that she shared a bed with someone, and that this person had his arm around her stomach. She turned around and came face to face with Damiano, which did not help her to relax. Elle took her phone and saw too many texts from Clara and Victoria.

From Clara:
Are you still with Damiano? 7:30am
Elle, pick up your damn phone 8:00am
You were supposed to help me pack, you bitch 9:15am
Are you guys dead? 9:30am
Thomas tried to wake you up but none of you opened the door 9:45am
I hope you and David have at least make up because you abandoned me, Elle 10:00am
I'm heading to the airport; I can't believe you didn't wake up 10:25am
Are you fucking aware that it's almost noon and that you are still sleeping? Or maybe you are ignoring me, are you ignoring me? 11:45am
You're such a bad friend, Elle, lol 11:58am

Holy shit, how was it already noon?! The brunette started to freak out which woke up the guy that was resting next to her. Damiano looked confused when he opened his eyes and saw Michelle in his bed, last night's party was really blurry.

"Elle?" His voice was deep, deeper than usually, it was probably because he was still sleepy. "What are you doing here? What time is it?"
"It's noon, I missed Clara's departure and if I don't hurry up, I'll miss mine. And to answer your first question, we were both drunk last night, we kissed and somehow I ended up here." He could hear the panic in her voice, she was worried.
"Elle, is everything alright? You seem a little tensed?"

The French girl turned to him, holding her knees against her chest, her eyes were sparkling with tears, she seemed like she was about to cry. The Italian singer opened his arms and hugged her tightly as she began to cry, he remembered that she used to have anxiety in the past, but he never heard her sob like that before. Elle was shaking and crying in Damiano's arms for minutes before someone knocked on the door, which surprised both of them. He got up and went to open the door which revealed Vic, Thomas, and Ethan.

"Hi, have you seen Elle? No one saw her this morning, and before she left Clara said that she saw her with you yesterday." Thomas sounded worried, which kind of comforted Elle, her friends were still there for her, even after everything that happened.
"She's here, but..."

The Italian singer got interrupted by Vic who pushed him to walk into the room and hugged Michelle who was still sobbing in the bed. Soon, the five of them were into a big group hug to comfort the French girl, and it worked, she stopped crying and started smiling into her friends' arms.

"We'll let you guys talk, don't forget to say goodbye before leaving, Elle." Ethan was smiling, so were the others, it felt good.
"I won't, I promise. I'll see you guys later."

Elle was still sitting in Damiano's bed, Thomas kissed her forehead before leaving with the others, letting the two singers alone. Damiano sat down in front of the brunette and smiled, she looked better, even if she still appeared tired. He took her hand in his, and brushed his thumb against her soft skin, he had always loved her long fingers, she was made to play piano, and she was freaking talented.

"Are you okay?" He sounded concerned, which made Elle smile in a sad way.
"Honestly?" The Italian nodded as his friend sighed, maybe it would not be bad to talk to someone after all. "I'm not, and I haven't been for a long time. My dad... he is the reason why I never came back to Italy, I wanted to, but he forced me to stay in Paris, and now he wants me to go to Sciences Po Paris, which is one of the best school in the world to study politics, but I don't want to study politics."
"Then, what do you want to do?"
"I want to sing, Dami, I want to live for and from my music." Dami, she had not called him that in a long time, both of them had missed it.
"Why don't you tell that to your dad?"
"That's why I'm going back to Madrid instead of staying here longer, my aunt made him come but I had to leave, he's probably furious." She looked sad again, as if she was scared of her father.
"Elle, you never talked about your father before. Is he... does he, you know, does he hurt you?"
"No! I..." Michelle looked terrified, no one was supposed to know about that.
"Elle, you know you can trust me, right? I know I've made some mistakes, but you can always count on me."
"I... It didn't happen a lot because he doesn't live in Paris anymore. I was really young when it happened, my memories of those moments are really fuzzy. That's one of the reason why I live with my aunt, no one knows about my dad, not even Clara. He's a diplomat, it would ruin his carrier if someone knew. I... when I came back from Rome two years ago, he was in Paris, and he was really angry because I wasn't here when he arrived, it was the last time it happened because I haven't seen him since that day."

Elle was shaking again, it looked like she was about to throw up, Damiano opened his arms and she hide into it once more, it felt great, it felt home to be in his arms. Michelle's hands were cold on his naked back, but he did not mind, he wanted her to feel safe, he was angry about what happened to her, but glad that she had finally told someone.

"Sometimes, I feel like everything is wrong in my life. My dad never loved me, my mom abandoned me when I was a baby, Anna wants me to sing pop songs even if that's not what I want to sing, and you left me, Dami, I feel so lonely." The Italian singer would not have heard her if he were not that close with her, her voice was almost inaudible as if she were scared to say these things.
"It's okay, it's okay now, I'm here, and I won't let you down, not ever again." He kissed her hair and hugged her until she finally calmed down again.

They got dressed and she left his room to go to hers, the brunette had to finish packing otherwise she would be late and miss her flight, which meant that she would not arrive early enough for the diner, and it would make her dad angrier than he probably was. After a long shower, she was finally ready to go, well at least, she was physically ready, because she would never be mentally ready to leave her friends. Someone knocked on the door and came in after she authorised them, it was Vic and the boys, they were all here in her room to say goodbye. The brown-haired singer was wearing sweatpants and an oversized crop top, she had no makeup on, but Damiano still found her beautiful.

"Will we see you soon?" The bassist was on the verge of tears, she hated goodbyes as much as Elle.
"I promise I'll try to come to Rome soon, as soon as I got my things sorted in France, alright?"

Victoria nodded and hugged her before letting Thomas and Ethan saying goodbye, the three musicians then left to let the ex-lovers alone, there was still something that needed to be sorted between them.

"I'll miss you, Dami, I'm sorry I was an asshole to you almost all week."
"It's okay, Elle, you had every right to move on, I..."

She interrupted him and connected their lips together, it was different from the kisses they had share last night, because they were sobber, they knew what they were doing, and this time, they would not regret it. When they parted, they were both breathless, but they were smiling, Damiano rested his forehead on Elle's as she said goodbye.

"I lied, Dami, I never stopped loving you, and I could never stop. I'll always love you."

Michelle kissed him one last time and left the room, half smiling, half crying. This time it was different, because deep down they knew that they would find their way back to each other, as if the universe had told them that they were made to be together.


It's took 11 chapters but things are finally getting better between our two love birds!

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