Chapter 8

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2019, Rome, Italy

"You guys would be such a beautiful couple." Michelle sighed, she had told everything about her time in Rome to Clara, and that was her best friend's only reaction.

         The brunette got up of the bed and walked to the window, there was a great view of Rome, she had missed this city, and she had missed her friends even if she was mad at them. When she saw Thomas and Victoria, she wanted to run into their arms so bad, she had so many things to tell them, but she could not.

"I don't understand what gone bad, Elle, why did you fight? You had no choice but to leave Rome."
"It is not after Rome that it gone wrong, it is after their show in Paris. Damiano had planned to come and surprised me, but he ruined it after he send a text saying that he would see me soon in Paris, it was the day they released Torna a casa. I called Thomas and begged him to change Damiano's plan because I couldn't see him."
"But you went to their show, right?"
"Yeah, because Ethan called me and asked me to come, he promised not to tell Damiano, so I agreed, and I went to see their concert. He gave me a pass to go in the backstage in case I changed my mind about not wanting to talk to them."
"And you went? You met them?"
"I already knew them, Clara, but yes, after the show I went in the backstage, I wanted to talk to Damiano, I had to tell him that whatever happened between him and I, it was over. So, we talked but decided to spend this night as friends, because when I left Rome Thomas had promised that it would not be our last party ever. They spend the night at mines', Dami and I talked a lot, and drank a lot, he promised to be here when I would wake up, promised that we would make it work. But when I woke up, I was alone, they were gone, without even saying goodbye."

         Michelle was crying, again, it was the first time she was talking about her Italian friends, she did not think it would be that hard, maybe that was why she had kept it for herself.

"Elle, do you still love him?" Clara's question was logical, she had every right to ask that, but Elle was not sure whether she wanted to answer or not, even if she knew the answer.
"It doesn't matter, in a week I'll be back to Paris, and he'll be here. That is always how it is going to be, Damiano will be here in Italy, and I'll be in France."
"I think you should talk to him, at least to know what he has to say, you can't let your fight with him destroy your friendship with the rest of the band, it's stupid, Elle."

         Maybe Clara was right, maybe she had to listen to Damiano, to at least be able to get over it.

"You have an hour before the bus leave for the festival, and according to your manager, they take the same bus as we so go get your man. Sorry, it is not what I meant."

         Michelle smiled shyly and left Clara's room after checking herself in the mirror, she looked okay, it would be enough to talk to Damiano. She took the stairs, she needed sometimes to think before seeing him, she was not even sure of how she would find him, maybe she should have sent a text. Anyway, that problem was quickly solved because the Italian singer was in the hall of the hotel when she got out of the stairs, Ethan was with him. The brunette walked toward them and cough to catch their attention.

"Damiano, can we talk?"
"I thought you..." He stopped talking when the drummer hit his ribs with his forearm.
"Yes, you can talk, right, Damiano?" Elle wanted to smile but she could not, even if it was funny to see Ethan talk for Damiano.
"Yes, of course."

         The two singers left and went to the bar where they sat with a coffee, none of them wanted to talk, they were both afraid of what would happen if they opened their mouth.

"I am sorry." It was Damiano, he had been the one to break the silence, because he knew he was responsible of this situation. "I shouldn't have left, not after promising that I would be here. I thought I was doing the good thing, I thought you would be happier without me."
"There was no way I would be happier without you. You know what hurts the most? You promised, Damiano, you promised you wouldn't leave without saying goodbye, but you did, you all left without saying goodbye." Michelle's voice was angry, but also broken, she was searching for her words, which never used to happen, not anymore at least.
"Vic told me it was not a good idea, she wanted to wait, or at least to wake you up so we could say goodbye. I was the one to make the decision, you should not be mad at them, Vic, Thomas, and Ethan did nothing wrong. If you want to be angry at someone, it has to be me, not them."
"Do you have any idea of how bad it hurts to wake up and realize that you're alone in a bed that you shared with someone that you used to love?"
"Used to love? You used past tense, why?" The brown-haired French girl saw the spark in his eyes fade as he asked that question.
"You wanted me to be happier, right? I couldn't be happy, as long as I still loved you, I had to move on, Damiano."

         It was her biggest lie ever, Michelle could never stop loving Damiano, the boy had turned her world upside down since the very first time she saw him sing in 2017. But she had to lie, she was tired of suffering, she had no choice but to hurt him as he hurt her, they had to move on.

"It's okay, it's okay, you had every right to move on, I fucked up."

         So, it felt like that to have your heart broken by someone you loved? Now, the Italian boy understood what the French girl had gone through. He sighed, he could not be mad at her, not after all he put her through, he just wished things had happened otherwise.

"Things could have been different, Damiano, but you and I, it would never have worked. We were only children when we fell in love, it was never meant to last."
"You're wrong, it could have worked, we could have worked, Elle." His voice was pleading, the brunette knew he wanted to believe in their love, but it was over, it would never be the same.
"We should go if we don't want to be late for rehearsal, I know how Vic is about it, I don't want her to hate me because I made you be late."
"She would never hate you, you're her friend. Elle, I'm really sorry about everything."

        Michelle left, she had said everything she had to say, it was over, her relationship with Damiano was over, once and for all. For the third time in two days, tears were running down her cheeks, maybe she was weak, but at least it made great songs.
         Damiano watched the French girl leave once again, perhaps she was right, after all they were only teenagers when they met, perhaps it would have never worked. He was willing to let her go, if she was happier without him, he had to let her go, even if Michelle was taking his heart with her.


Author's note:
Hi guys!!! We're already almost on chapter ten, and each chapter bring us closer to Eurovision!
What do you think of La Vie en Rose so far? What do you think of Damiano's and Michelle's relationship? My babies are kind of having a hard time lately but things will get better I promise!
Also, I would like to thanks my besties, the Måneskin whores for their support! Love you girls!
See ya

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