Chapter 30

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2021, Rotterdam, Netherlands

"Do you still love him?"

Michelle almost chocked on her drink when she heard Thomas' question, she was clearly not expecting that. She almost asked who he was talking about, but she knew it, she knew her Italian best friend was talking about Damiano. Did Elle still love him? She was not sure whether she could ever stop loving him one day.

"I don't know."

"But you shared a bed with him last night." He looked worried, people online often said that Thomas never showed any emotions, but they were wrong, he was just good at hiding them from the public eyes.

"What is it about Thomy? Tell me, please."

"I don't want him to make you suffer again."

So, that was about that, the guitarist was afraid that the French girl would be hurt by the Italian singer once more. Thomas had always worried too much for her, he was only five months older, but he always acted like a big brother. Weirdly, she was not worried about being hurt by Damiano again, maybe it was because he could not hurt her more than he already did, or maybe it was because she was the one that hurt herself the most.

"He won't hurt me again, Thomas." It could sound silly, but she knew she was right.

"How can you be so sure? You never thought he would do it once, so how can you be so sure that he won't do it again?"

"I can't, you're right, but Thomy, he can't hurt me more than I hurt myself. I spent months hating him, months where I was angry, and sad all the time, maybe I'm stupid and naïve to believe that this time is over, but I want to believe again, I want to live again."

The brunette had a hard time for the last years, years where she kept destroying herself no matter how hard Clara was trying to help her, and after all this time, she finally felt like she was breathing again, and she would not let her fears stop her from being happy.

"Thomy, I know I'm your best friend, but so is Dami, you should trust him, because I do. And whatever happens between Damiano and I, it shouldn't interfere in your friendship, nor your carrier."

Michelle had always known her friends as a band, but they were more than a band, they were all a part of a whole person, the same soul that had been cut in four, she could not bear breaking that. Damiano had told her that Thomas had stopped talking to him after the two singers broke up, and it broke her heart, The two Italian boys were more than friends, they were like brothers, they had the strongest bond she had ever saw. If Victoria and Damiano were platonic soulmates, the tree boys were family, Ethan was the mom friend, Thomas was the baby brother, and the singer was the troublemaker. The four musicians had met when they were teenagers, they had grown up together, they had become famous together, most of what they had experienced in life was together, she could not break that.

Meanwhile, Damiano was laying next to Victoria on her bed in their suit while the Thomas and Elle were out to diner, and while Ethan was hanging out with Clara. When the singer had met the bassist, they had immediately become the best of friends, they were only respectfully sixteen and fifteen, but they knew their friendship was forever.


"Hum?" The blond girl turned her face to see her best friend, he was laying on his back, he looked more peaceful now that Elle was back in his like.

"What happened between you and Clara last night?"

"I'd rather talk about you and Elle."

"We always talk about me and Elle." That was true, they always talked about Damiano's relationship, but when he saw Vic's look, he gave up. "But if you really want to know, she asked me to stay, so I stayed. Clara was right, Elle have huge nightmares, I comforted her, and she fell back asleep. Then I told her about Coraline."

"You told her?" Victoria looked surprised, the singer rarely talked about this song, and he rarely sang it.

"I sang it to her, last night."

"You did?"

"Yeah, I just felt like it in the moment."

"Clara said Elle doesn't talk that much lately, I'm glad she's talking to you, I'm glad things are getting better between you."

So was he, his life had never been sadder than when Michelle was mad at him, he knew he fucked up that night, and he was so glad to be back in her life. For a while, he had thought that they would never find their way back to each other, right person wrong time as they say, but apparently, he was wrong because even if they were only friends, things could always change.

"Now, tell me, what is going on between you and Clara, uh?"

"There's nothing between us, Dami." Victoria was such a bad liar; she could never look straight into anyone's eyes when she was lying.

"Liar. Oh, come on, Vic, you're my best friend, tell me. I bet Clara is going to tell Elle anyway."

"I think I like her." Finally! She finally admitted that she had a crush on the French singer's bestie.

"You think? Oh, come on, Elle and I already had doubts about the two of you when we were in London."

"Wait a second, you what? And you never told me?! Dami!" She did not look mad, just surprised, was it that obvious?

"Well, you know Michelle, she respects everyone's privacy, and I, I waited for you to tell me, and we can say that I waited for a very long time."

"You're an asshole, David."

"Maybe, but you love me, even if you want to dump me for a blond Frenchie."

"Oh, shut up."

They were laughing and fighting like children, but Victoria was glad she talked to Damiano, she now felt relieved. It was not a secret for any of their friends that she was bisexual, but Vic never talked about who she liked or not, she was very secretive about her feelings. But she really liked the blonde French girl, and she was happy that the Italian singer was happy for her, because he was her best friend, and his approval was important for her, even if it shouldn't be. If Michelle and Damiano were the great love story from the fairy tales, Victoria's and Damiano's friendship was one for the screens like Phoebe's and Joey's friendship in Friends because, you know, "You know, boyfriends and girlfriends are gonna come and go, but this is for life."

HI! How are you guys doing? I've missed writing this story but I was at my aunt's house for two weeks, then I moved into my first flat and now I'm already back at my parents' house to see my cousin so unfortunately I don't have a lot of time to write
Here's a little glimpse of two of my favourites friendships even if I love them all, but Vic and Dami are really the best of friends you could imagine, I really imagine them as Pheebs and Joey from Friends, always goofing around, but also always here for the other. And Elle and Thomas have such a pure relationship in my mind, they remind me of my best friend and I, they would do anything for the other, even ruin a professional opportunity, and that's such a strong bond.
Hope you liked this chapter! Okay bye!

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