arriving at the new house

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(your on your way to your new house after being kicked out)

i struggled to keep my eyes open, my older brother was sleeping next to me and my dad was focused on driving home. i couldn't sleep i was worried about starting a new school, having no friends and not knowing where we are going. "dad, when will we be there?" "um i don't know" he said bluntly. he has been acting strange since we left the house. i went into my backpack and grabbed a packet of chips i brought from our old house. i talked myself into getting at least an hour of sleep so i wouldn't be cranky the next day.

I woke up to the sound of chatting, my dad was standing talking to a man with short hair, i opened the car door and walked over to my dad. "what do u want" he snapped "nothing" i shrugged and walked back to the car. My brother was on his phone texting his girlfriend alyssa, i thought to myself why is he still with her she is such a bitch.

our house was orange and had a rusty wooden door, i looked to the right and there was a blue house i was shocked to see a old man passed out on the grass i quickly turned and saw my dad standing at the gate of a black and red house. i opened the front door of our house and got a big surprise to see a dead mouse on the floor in front of me.

(about 5 hours later)

Me and jay had everything clean and unpacked i thought it would be nice if i went and said hi to the neighbours so i walked out the door and headed to the blue house. i knocked on the front door and was greeted to a girl around my age or older she had red hair, "hi i'm your new neighbour i thought i could come and say hi" "hi my names debbie, come in i'll let you meet my family" "are you not worried about that man out front?" she replied "no he's my dickhead father frank" "okay". she walked me in and i stood in front of the sofa, she started "okay, this is carl he's my younger brother and he's just out from juvie" i looked startled and replied "hey" he confidently said "hey shawdy looking nice" "CARL" debbie looked at carl and rolled her eyes. "okay anyways this is lip and this ian" lip seemed to be in a rush "hey i've got to go nice meeting you" and ian seemed out of it "hi". a women in her 20s came up to me and hugged me "hi i'm fiona if you need anything i'm just next door" i said thanks and debbie grabbed my arm and took me upstairs. "this is fiona's room"pointing to a small, messy room. "this is carl,ian and liams room". i got a message from my brother "hey y/n, you need to get your ass over here before dad kills you". "im really sorry debbie but i really need to get home, i'll see you at school tomorrow". as i was walking out of the front door carl came and stopped me saying "hey boo, where u going" i ignored him and walked out the gate.

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