staying at debbie's

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(after school)

i sat down at the kitchen table with my quick cook noodles and went onto my phone and read a message from debbie. "hey, wanna stay at mine tonight" i texted back "yeah sure i'll be over in 10".

i walked to there house and opened the door, lip was sitting on the couch arguing with frank about something stupid. i walked into the kitchen and was greeted by fiona "hey what's up" i replied "um debbie invited me round to stay the night if that ok" "yeah no worries!" she shouted debbie down and we went upstairs. "hi debbie thanks for letting me stay" "no worries thought you may need a friend around here". we sat and chatted for hours i told her about carl and she just told me to be careful because there's this girl that likes him and i'm pretty sure she said carl likes her.

carl's pov:
i was walking downstairs to get a snack and i heard y/n talking about liking me, i remembered about me and dominique but she's been acting strange lately. y/n is beautiful though.

i walked to the bathroom and got changed into a hoodie and shorts it was around 1am and i decided to set up my bed on debbies floor then we both went to sleep.

(the next morning)
i was woken up by chatting, debbie wasn't in her bed so i freshened myself up and went downstairs. everyone was sitting down at the kitchen table eating breakfast, i was embarrassed to be the last person awake and sat down at the last empty seat next to ian. once i finished breakfast i got changed into-

i got my school stuff together and walked to school

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i got my school stuff together and walked to school

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