goodbye party

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i was laying in carls arms we were talking about him going to military school, i told him to go if he wanted to because you can have so many opportunities after you go but he didn't know for sure.

i walked down the stairs and spoke to fiona "if carl leaves for military school can we plan a goodbye party?" "yeah of course". i told fiona "i have to go home but don't tell carl about the goodbye party", i walked home and took my notepad out and started to plan the party. we need balloons, candles, a cake, fairy lights and party food i asked jay for $100 for the party and he said "you owe me". i went to the store and bought everything. i messaged fiona to get carl out of the house.

i went into their house and started to set up lip came up and asked what i was doing "i'm setting up for carl's goodbye party you coming?" "yeah of course when" "probably in an hour or so" lip walked up stairs. i put the fairy lights all around the living room making sure it looked ok. fiona came and started to help me set up. i put the cake in refrigerator and sat the candles on the kitchen table.

(a few hours later)
i saw a car pull up in front of the house i shouted for everyone to hide i turned the lights off. carl walked in and shouted to see if anyone was in "3,2,1" i whispered "SURPRISE" everyone shouted, carl looked startled but a big smile spread across his face.
fiona walked in with the cake and candles burning.

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