carl leaves for military school

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we were standing at the bus doors, a tear rolled down my face as i saw carl step into the bus i shouted "i love you, i'll miss you". before i could finish my sentence he came and kissed me. fiona told him to email us and send photos, i saw a tear roll down his face. lip told him to go before he made a wrong decision. he walked on the bus and sat on the middle seat, he waved goodbye and was off.

in the car back i couldn't help myself but to cry, once we were at the house i said "sorry but i'm just going to head home tonight" fiona agreed and came and hugged me "don't worry he'll only be away for a few months". i got my bag from debbie's room and went home.

(the next morning)
i sat up on my bed and messaged carl 'hey, how is it going'. i decided before i start crying i should get up and ready for school, i hopped in the shower then got changed into

 i decided before i start crying i should get up and ready for school, i hopped in the shower then got changed into

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i got my school stuff together and walked to school, i met debbie on the way. i got to school and sat down in my english class, my teacher came up to me and told me to go to the office. i walked to the office and sat down in the seat, "excuse me y/n you have not been in school for 3 weeks this is outraged". i stood up and walked out i'm not dealing with this. i sat back down in english and saw Dominique staring at me whispering with her 'squad'. i have had enough bullshit with her and said "what are you staring at bitch". "right that's it y/n out of my class now" my teacher came out the class as i stood at the wall. "i think you should go to the office". i walked to the office and got told i'm suspended for a week. that is fine i guess.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2021 ⏰

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