Doll Songs 2

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Chapter 2:

"Is this area 51?" A girl with black hair and a red lightning streak going through her hair asked.

"Even if it was we wouldn't be obliged to tell you," said a burly looking man with green eyes and strawberry blond hair.

"Oh...well why not?" Asked another girl with effervescent blue eyes and auburn colored hair.

"You ask too many questions," said another guy with brown skin and low cut black hair.

"What she only asked one!" Replied a little Spanish girl who was about 12 or 13.

"Hush." Said the green eyed one.

"You know what I don't care if I'm kidnapped! I want to go back home to Texas!" Said another girl. The bus stopped in the middle of nowhere. All that surrounded us was a vast desert probably filled with termites. Wait...termites. No worse than that...SNAKES! My paranoia got the best of me and I sat frozen in my seat. The loudness of chattering girls faded away and I saw two young girls...maybe a 6 year old and 12 year old.

"With all my power I'll show you the way..." The way to what? I asked myself dreamily. The haunting music enveloped me in a cyclone of darkness. I sighed contentedly letting the darkness sink in. I/t was suddenly cold and my heart made a small pitter patter noise against my chest.

"To all your dreams, hopes and illusions." The two young girls smiled at me twistedly and I shuddered. I wanted the darkness. To embrace it and love it and just tear it to little pieces and roll around in it like a dog. I breathed in the shuddering cold darkness.

"I'm coming for you." A beautiful voice sang in my head. "When I do..." I twitched. Someone was shaking the crap out of me.

"Coming...coming...coming." The voice sang and danced around invisibly. A little glass box flashed by my vision. I tried to move away from the shaking.

"Goodbye." The voice sang and i caught an image of the person with the voice.

The eyes were red and blood thirsty. A blue and red green liquid poured out of the creature's face. The mouth as sewn shut in that terrible way that reminds you of a person who's mouth got sliced by a knife. A ragged white dress was hanging limply off of slim shoulders. It kind of reminded me of a vampire like porcelain doll.

"Wake up! Hello?" I heard quiet crying in the back round.

"What?" I rubbed my eyes tiredly.

"We were on the bus and then we just...and you we're here!" It was the girl with the red streaked hair and another girl with wet brown eyes and dark curly black hair.

"Not possible! I'm just...just dreaming! yeah! And when I wake up my mother will still be alive! And ha ha who knows, maybe my dad will be too." I said. I slapped myself mentally. This isn't a dream stupid! Stop lying to yourself.

"No I'm pretty sure you're not dreaming. As a matter of fact, we're anywhere but a dream!" The girl said.

"Who are you?" I asked suddenly aware I was talking to a complete stranger.

"My name is Avani. I'm 19." Avani said shaking her head.

"Yea and I'm Ky. I'm 14." Ky said sadly.

"Ok...I'm Sherrie. I'm 17." I said. I just announced my name and age to strangers. NO! Bad Sherrie, bad. I scolded myself. Why was I messing up so much lately.

"Where are we?" Ky asked looking around. I stopped my mental chatter and took in my surroundings. We were in a black room with with one window. on the walls painted in red were nursery songs. Actually one nursery song painted over and over again.

"Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water?" Ky stared at the wall suspiciously.

"That's not scary." I said thinking out loud. There was a door on the other side of the room that Avani was inspecting, she opened it.

"Yeah, not unless you actually have to go up a hill." Avani said looking up at a hill. I ran over beside her and couldn't believe my eyes. A big dark hill loomed in the distance looking like a black mountain in the sky. Dark clouds swirled around in the sky and the smell of brimstone filled my nostrils. In the distance past the hill was a dark foggy wood.

"What the hell?" Ky whispeed coming up beside me. Ky was right.

"What are we supposed to do go up the hill?" Avani asked.

"Beats me." A cold wnd brushe past and we heard a faint sound coming from the west. At least I think it was west.

"If you go out in the woods today you're sure of a big surprise." Someone sang. The hairs along my arms rose up and my blood ran cold.

"I know that song." Avani said going pale. I swear even her red lightning streak paled to a pinkish color.

"If you go out in the woods today you'd better go in disguise." The voice hissed. Ky started to sway and before our eyes she fainted.

"KY?" I got down on my knees to check her pulse. She was alive. "She's alive." I stated.

"For every bear that ever there was, will gather there for certain because..."

"Where is it coming from?" Avani asked hysterically. I shugged.

"Today's the day the grizzly bears have their picnic." The voice faded away and the only sound was a faint bubbling noise coming from somewhere.

"Look lets just get out of here!" Avani screamed.

"Thought they were teddy bears." I muttered as Ky came to. The fog was beginning to swirl around us. The fog's icy tentacles reached out and tugged on our arms.

"I don't want to die." Ky cried silently.

"What is wrong with you guys? We obviously either have to be eaten by bears or fall down a hill." I said crossing my arms. "I choose neither." I stated sourly.

"Don't be a freaking sour puss alright?! You're not the only one who is scared." Ky said snapping up. I rolled my eyes. Hell yes i was scared. Did i show it, no! Ky wiped her tears and started p the hill.

"KY!" Avani and I ran after her. Luckily for me, I was a track star so I caught up to Ky first.

"Ky are you crazy?" I asked pulling on her sleeve. She shrugged and kept walking up the hill. "I'll take that as a yes."

"AH!" Ky and I spun around. Avani had slipped in the grass and was rolling down the hill. I watched as she rolled and then came to a stop with a loud crack! Her Head had did a full 180 and was no slowly rolling away from her body. I gagged as blood started filling up where she had been and I quickly turned away.

"Avani!" I grabbed onto Ky who had started running after her.

"No Ky don't!" But it was too late. Ky slipped and went tumbling down after her.


Ok so I'm not that much of a scary story writer so sorry if it sucks. And for those of you who think this is scary...Well I'm sorry if I scared you :) Comment and tell me what you think :)

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