Doll Songs 8

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Hey guys sorry  haven't uploaded in a while, i was feeling uninspired and started another story :( BUT now I'm back :) So my lovely fans and admiring voters, I give you Doll Songs Chapter 8 :)


Blood pulsed in my head at a very steady beat. I managed to open my eyes a crack and found myself for the millionth time looking into steady blue eyes. I instantly felt happy to see the familiar blue. I tried t open my eyes a bit more in a success.

"K?" I asked seeing if my voice would work. It did.

"Hush." He said putting a cold finger to my lips. I nodded and sat up. The sky was a brooding red with dangerous deep purple clouds swirling over head. A castle taller than the Empire State Building stood before me made of golden bricks spattered with blood. My mouth hung open in amazement as I stared up at the castle.

"This is the Temple. We have to get you away from here." Kester spun me around and looked at me deeply. No, K wasn't the enemy. I had no right to be mad at him.

"No." I declared crossing my arms over my chest.

"What? What do you mean no?"

Do you understand English?" I questioned him. "No." I repeated myself sternly.


"No..." I interrupted him rudely. I stood up and dusted the dirt off of me. The faint bubbling that I'd heard at the well was now louder.


"What's that noise?" I asked him interrupting yet again.

Kester shrugged. "The volcano?" He said as if I should've known that.

"What?? A volcano?"

"And hut! Keep it moving guys!" K grabbed my shoulder and made me crouch. A massive draw bridge was being let down as toys herded little girls over the moat. The Doll thingy was up to it again. I had to stop her!

"K...I need to get in there." I demanded.

" no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no! K bugged.

"Yes...yes yes yes yes! I have to!" I whined liked a little baby.

"NO!" He nearly shouted. Luckily no evil toys heard us.

"Please! Let me go its the only way to save...the...the human realm! Yea the human realm." I pleaded.

"What? How does that-"

" don't understand! Those girls are going to die! Die K, die!" I said feeling remorse. He gave an enormous sigh and nodded slightly. I pumped my fist in the air and immediately put it down for fear of being caught.

"OK so what o I have to do?" I asked full of anxiety.

K through dirt in my face and tore off part of my skinny jeans.

"What the heck was that for?" I squeaked stunned.

"Now go! Pretend your a lost straggler named Esmeralda, got it?" K Ase. I nodded suddenly feeling like a wimp. I couldn't do this. Too late. Kester pushed me from our spot in the tall grass and I was revealed. about 85 pairs of eyes and 12 broken ones and 3 buttons urned to stare at me. Uh oh.


Kay guys guess thats it 4 ch. 8 :D comment tell me if you think i should continue or not also tell me if you like ;)

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