Doll Songs 3

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"CLOWN!" The evil doll called to her servant.

"Yes your highness?" The loyal servant clown responded immediately.

"Are they dead?" The evil doll asked. The clown shifted on his two feet. His happy clown expression was instantly replaced with one of regret and sorrow. "ARE THEY!?" The doll shrieked.

"N-No your Highness. Two are dead the other is living." The clown said ashamed. The doll sighed and turned to look in the mirror. Her red demon eyes glowed fiercely and her stitching was beginning to fall apart.

"Have you bought me more souls?" The doll asked pushing her mud caked hair out of her face.

"Y-yes your Highness." The clown replied nervously. The clown had a deep frown on his face, he knew one slip up could cost his life. Worse than that his soul could be put away in that evil box.

"You do want to be a human again, do you not?" The evil children's toy asked.

The clown thought of his pregnant wife at home. He'd been gone for two months now, surely baby was almost here.

"Yes your Highness." The clown said frowning even deeper.

"WELL THEN GET ME HER SOUL!" The evil doll spun around and the smell of fire and death burned off of her. The clown trembled in his ridiculous clothes. He looked like a ginormous orange in this terrible get up.

"YES MA'AM!" The clown said shuddering.

"Once I have her soul it shouldn't be hard to collect other girls' souls. CLOWN!"

The clown snapped his attention to her and stood up straight as if he were in the army. "Yes ma'am?"

"Bring me the girl. I want her alive." The doll said. The clown nodded. "And bring the seamstress. My stitching appears to have UN stitched itself." The doll said siting on her colorful throne. The clown nodded and swiftly left the doll's temple. The doll sighed tiredly. 

It was terribly hard being a doll like her. Please. The doll thought. Her henchman were all psychotic and expendable, yet somehow completely dependable. Well almost.

The seamstress arrived and began stitching up the doll's broken stitching. After that the rubber duck and the toy penguin began cleaning the temple. The small marionette reached for her little box filled with souls. She sighed contentedly as the screams echoed on and on. She fell asleep listening to the horrendous screams and creepy tune of her musical soul box.


I gulped. A big well stood in front of me. I shuddered as the wind blew my hair back and forth. I swallowed again. This we was very different from any old well. It was made of old clay and there was water in it, but i spit in it and didn't here a splash until 2 minutes later. That's a pretty far jump. No way could i go in there. The only other thing I could possibly do was go to the forest. Trust me, I didn't want to be eaten by grizzly bears, or teddy bears for that matter.

"I can help." I spun around and saw a little toy clown standing only 2 feet away.

"Toys can't talk." I was hallucinating. Yeah that's it! It was just the fog or the paranoia that two girls just died right before my hazelnut brown eyes. Totally! I lied to myself.

"'re right. But I shouldn't be associating with you. I came to help." The clown smiled dumbly at me. I wanted to back up but where would I go? Oh I know, I'd fall to my death in a well never to be seen again. Not like I had any family though. I was suddenly looking forward to dying. I started slowly backing up as the clown came closer.'

"I'm just dreaming. when I wake up I'll still b e on the bus. Even better I'll wake up this morning from when my mom wasn't drunk! He he," I giggled nervously.

"No you're not dreaming but if you don't get out of here now you'll have a fate worse than death." The clown said now inches away from me. Worse than death? Hell? I wasn't bad. As a matter of fact I'd done more good than bad.

"OK you're creepy. Come any closer and you're gonna be Jack tumbling down the hill or Jill falling in a well." I threatened lamely. Why did I have to be so idiotic.

"Oh the irony! Won't you do that favor for me you benign young Madam?" The clown was so close to me now that I could see up his wooden nose as he stared up at me.

"Get away." I said backing up.

"Oh dear be careful!" The clown said getting closer. I backed up again and then WHOOSH! I began falling down the well.

"AH!" I screamed. The end was surely near and I wasn't even 50. No my life didn't flash before my eyes in that dramatic way, but I did see my doll. Tutsumi, staring at me with pity and sorrow in her eyes. She cocked her head at me and pointed down wards.

What I saw intrigued me and my screaming faltered. Instead of dark shining water at the pit of this well, bright spring water filled the bottom. It was shining as if the sun was just behind it.


I fell into the water with no damage. It was falling into a pit of hair gel. It was cod and squishy and like quicksand at the same time. Being that I was slipping.

"You've fallen into the portal! Find a boy named Kester he'll help." The sound of the cown was drowned out by cold gel water as it filled my ears.


Kay guys i know its a crappy ending but forgive me. And no i don't mean that kind of ending like no chapter 4. Anyway guys I hoped you like it :) Sorry if its not too scary or it scarier than you expected. Comment vote fan all of that. I love you all byeeez :)

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