Doll Songs 6

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Smoke was beginning to billow up outside of the small village. The fire was creeping up on us and I felt myself choking on the thick black smoke. "We have o get out of this place!" Dustin cried jumping up. Suddenly everything went dark I bumped heads with somebody.

"OOF!" I fell onto the person and I found myself looking into brave blue eyes.


"Call me K, alright." I nodded and then coughed as more of the toxic smoke filled my lungs.

"Please forgive me for this darling Sherrie," I stared at Kester- K I mean- like he was crazy.


I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head that vibrated up and down my spinal cord and through my bones to my very core. It made me angry and want to cry at the same time. The last thing I saw were K's marvelous blue eyes looking down at me in sadness.


Ohhhh! My head. Where was i?

"SHH!" Dustin pushed my head down with his fist.


"SHHHHH!" He hissed again. I lay back to observe my surroundings. Up in the sky were amethyst colored clouds that swirled around each other like children playing Tag. The sun must have set because I wanted to fall back asleep desperately. Yea I wasn't a night person.

Black, bare, trees loomed about in the distance, scattered as if in a just developing graveyard. The wind blew softy but coldly and it played with me dark tangled hair. I shivered. I tried to sit up but a pain in the center of my head stopped me. What the heck was going on?

"Tinyyyy," I found my words slurring as if I were I had a bit too many shots.

"Do you know what shut up means?" The small soldier asked me irritated. I wanted laugh to at his funny personality but my head was junked up too bad.


Half an hour before the doll got into the village.

"Did you do it?!" The doll asked the clown.


"DID YOU?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!" The doll shrieked.

"She fell."

"Did her soul get away?"

"Down a portal."

"Which one!?"

"The Toy Realm."


"Where Kester is."

"WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!" The doll nearly blew her head off in anger. How could she fall down that portal? She specifically made the Jack and Jill song scarier so they wouldn't notice they portal! At least there was only one left. It wouldn't be hard eliminating her. If only the doll didn't have to deal with Kester. " Are you positive?" The doll questioned just to make sure. The clown nodded vigorously. His usual uncontrollable smile was set in a deep frown these days as his wife came closer and closer to child birth.

"How did it happen?" The doll asked. The clown became dreadfully silent. "Well?" The doll asked impatient.

The clown in a way had helped out the girl. If he told the doll about what happened then...well what would happen to him? Even worse his wife and baby? The clown wished terribly he was a human again. He wouldn't make the same mistake he did the last time. The mistake that got him here. Being a clown didn't even trouble him. Being away from his wife did.

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