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Meredith and Addison walked down the busy hall of the dorm, their eyes wide with excitement. They had arrived on campus an hour ago, signed in for their room assignments and keys, and now they were about to see their room for the first time. As they stopped in front of room 421, Addison took a deep breath and put the key in the lock, opening the door to reveal a fairly large room, empty save for a bed, desk, and dresser for each of them.

"It's...cute," Addison said hesitantly.

"I like it," Meredith said, walking over to the bed in the corner. "I got the good bed."

Addison rolled her eyes as she placed her bag on the bed that ran along the wall between the windows, looking around the room unsurely.

"We'll make it our own," Meredith continued. "Pictures or whatever."

"Yeah," Addison said, a smile spreading across her face. "This is our room, Mer."

Meredith smiled. "Let's get more stuff from the car," she said as she walked towards the door, stopping as she bumped into someone walking down the hall. "Oh, sorry," she said, looking up to set eyes on a boy with dark curly hair and crystal blue eyes. "I, um, I didn't see you there."

He swallowed hard before he smiled softly. "Don't worry about it," he assured her before she turned to walk away. He stared after her as she walked down the hall, a red head hurrying to join her on her way towards the stairs. He didn't know what had just happened to him, but he was pretty sure the enchanting blonde he'd just collided with had something to do with the wonderful tingling that was running down his spine at that moment.

He turned and shook his head slightly as he walked into the room across the hall where Mark was hanging a dartboard over his desk. "Dude, if we bunk our beds we can totally fit a couch in here," he said over his shoulder.

Derek rolled his eyes. "We're not bunking the beds," he replied.

"Why not?" Mark asked. "I'd even let you have the top. It's not like you're going to get laid anyways."

Derek chose to ignore the image of the girl he'd just bumped into in his arms, her body squirming underneath his. "Forget it," he said.

"Fine," Mark replied. "Speaking of getting laid, have you seen the redhead across the hall? That's some hot stuff."

"You're sick," Derek stated. "You better stop talking like that before Mom comes back up."

"Talking like what?" his mother asked as she walked back into the room, a box of cleaning supplies in her arms, followed by his father.

"Nothing," Derek replied, taking the box out of her arms. "Seriously, Mom, we don't need any of this stuff."

"Just humor me, Derek," Emma said. "I know how you boys are, but it makes me feel better that there are at least supplies in this room even if they're not used."

"For my, sake, humor her," Michael added. "If she doesn't leave these here, I'll I'm going to hear about is how messy this room must be."

"Fine," Derek replied, pressing a kiss to her cheek. "Thanks, Mom."

Emma nodded as she looked around, obviously trying to find a reason to stay for longer. "Are you sure you have enough hangers in your closet?" she asked, moving to open the door to Mark's closet.

"It's fine, Emma," Mark said gently.

"What about your bed?" Emma asked smoothing her hand over the navy blue comforter. "Are you sure the sheets are tucked in enough?"

"Mom, everything's fine," Derek said. "Thank you for making sure."

Michael cleared his throat and placed a hand on Emma's back. "We should go, Em," he said gently. "We have to be back for Liz's soccer practice."

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