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Derek Shepherd was in love.

It was weird and astounding to him that he could love another human being more than his amazingly perfect wife, but as he sat in the nursery of the hospital, cradling his tiny son, he knew that he would never love anyone else as much as his son.

His son.

Derek Shepherd was a father to the most perfect baby in the entire world.

"Hey Michael," he whispered, trailing a finger down his son's cheek. "I'm your daddy. I can't believe you're finally here. Mommy and I have been so excited to meet you, and now that you're here, we're going to love you so much. She's asleep right now, but I'll take you to see her really soon. She can't wait to see you again.

"We're going to have so much fun together, Michael," Derek whispered. "When you're big enough, I'll teach you to fish, and maybe we'll even try camping. Mommy and I are going to be really busy for the next few years because we want to be doctors, but that doesn't mean that we won't love you. You're always going to be the most important part of our lives. But you will get to spend a lot of time with Grandma. And your aunts, especially Aunt Beth and Uncle Nathan. But don't listen to Mommy and Aunt Beth when they say that you have to marry Aunt Beth's daughter Gabrielle.

"And when you're big enough, I'm going to tell you all about your grandpa. That's why you're named Michael. Because he was completely amazing, and I really wish that he could meet you. But I'm going to be sure that you know how wonderful he was and that's why you're carrying on his name."

"Derek?" a nurse came over and smiled widely as she stood in front of his chair. "Your wife's awake, and asking for your baby."

Derek smiled softly as he slowly rose to his feet. "I guess I come second now," he said, looking down at his son. "You've replaced me as Mommy's favorite. But it's okay, because I'm pretty sure that you've replaced her as my favorite too."

He slowly made his way down the hall to Meredith's hospital room, stepping through the door and smiling brightly at his wife who was now sitting up in bed. "Hey," he said softly.

"Give me my son," Meredith demanded, reaching out to him.

Derek smiled as he looked down at his son. "She's bossy a lot," he said. "But you'll get used to it, maybe eventually love it, like I do."

"Derek, seriously," Meredith groaned. "I need to see him."

"He's right here," Derek assured her, sitting down beside her on the side of the bed and handing their son over to her. "Say hi to Mommy, Michael."

"Hi baby," Meredith breathed, clutching her son tightly to her chest. "I'm your Mommy. Oh, you're so beautiful. I can't believe that I finally get to see you."

"He's a Shepherd," Derek laughed, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

Meredith smiled softly as she reached up to take off his small blue hat, revealing a head of thick dark hair. "Of course," she rolled her eyes. "He's asleep. Have you...his eyes?"

"Clearest blue I've ever seen," Derek smiled. "But he got your nose."

"Thank God," Meredith giggled as she slid his hat back onto his head. "He's perfect."

"He really is," Derek nodded. "I just had a conversation about him about how important his namesake is."

Meredith smiled softly as she tore her gaze away from her baby to look at her husband. "I wish he was here," she whispered. "I'm sorry, Derek." Her free hand reached to squeeze his hand, and he smiled sadly as he brought her hand to his lips, kissing it gently.

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