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Derek moved carefully through the darkened halls of the neurology building, fear rushing through his body as he thought about what could possibly be wrong with Meredith. She was in complete danger, and he would never forgive himself for letting this happen. If only he had stayed home....

"Well hello, Mr. Shepherd," Dr. Brown said with a smirk as he stepped out of his office. "Fancy meeting you here."

"Where is she?" Derek demanded.

"Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but did she or did she not tell you she was leaving you earlier tonight?" Dr. Brown asked, tapping his finger on his chin. "Because I could have sworn..."

"Listen you sick son of a bitch," Derek snapped, grabbing him by his collar. "You tell me where my wife is right now, or so help me God..."

"That's interesting," Dr. Brown said, raising his hand that was clasped tightly around a gun. "Because I'm pretty sure I'm in charge here."

Derek stepped back slightly, his eyes wide as they focused on the gun. "Did you..."

Dr. Brown laughed harshly. "Don't be ridiculous," he said. "I could never hurt her. She's amazing. And you...you take her for granted. You don't appreciate how special she is, how her body..."

"Shut up!" Derek shouted, clenching his fists as his anger intensified. He couldn't handle anyone talking about Meredith like that.

"You better watch yourself," Dr. Brown said. "I'm starting to get angry. And we all know what happens when a man with a gun gets angry." He lifted the gun to be even with Derek's head and pushed him towards the door. "Get in there."

Derek stumbled into the room, his stomach churning violently when he saw Meredith sitting in the corner of the room, her right leg darkened with blood. "Mer," he breathed, moving over to her. "Are you okay?"

"I tried to run," she whispered. "So he cut my leg. I can't walk."

Derek swallowed hard as he started to roll her pants leg up to see the wound. "Stay away from her," Dr. Brown said evenly as he turned from the door he had just locked.

"She's bleeding," Derek argued.

"Yes, because if she wasn't, she would have tried to run," Dr. Brown continued. "You move to that corner. And don't talk."

Derek ignored him as he turned back to Meredith. "Are you okay?"

"I said get away from her!" Dr. Brown shouted, pulling the safety latch on the gun as he aimed it at Derek's head.

"Derek go!" Meredith insisted, pushing him away from her. "I'm fine."

Derek moved back to the opposite corner, sighing in relief when Dr. Brown lowered the gun. "That's better," he said. "Now, here's what we're going to do. You, Derek, are going to give yourself over to the cops. Because when you found your wife with her professor in his office, you just became so enraged that you couldn't help pulling a knife on her. And when they take you in, you're going to tell them how you set up this whole situation because you wanted the man your wife fell in love with to be locked away. But when you found them together in the office...you just couldn't stand in the way of true love any longer. So you turned yourself in."

"That's the worst plan I've ever heard," Derek stated.

"I don't care," Dr. Brown snapped. "You're going to do it."

Derek glanced at Meredith, taking in her pale face as she fought consciousness. Blood was trickling down her leg and pooling on the carpet under her foot, and he knew she needed help. "We've got to get her to help," he insisted. "She's bleeding hard."

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