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mile on his face. As Mark got out of the car and rushed inside for the much desired Christmas cookies, Derek turned to Meredith with a smile on his face.

"It's...Christmas," she finally said.

"Yeah, Mer," Derek said with a laugh. "That's why we got that long break from school and stuff. It's Christmas."

"I know," she rolled her eyes. "But...your house, it's Christmas."

Derek grinned as he turned to look out the window at the Christmas lights sparkling over the porch, the reindeer sitting on top of the roof, and the wreath on the front door. "I know," he said.

Meredith sighed as she moved to get out of the car. "Where are you going?" he asked.

"Inside," she frowned. "I'm assuming that's where we're supposed to go."

"Not until you tell me what's wrong," Derek replied.

"Nothing's wrong," Meredith groaned. "It's just...Christmas."

"Oh," Derek nodded. "Okay. But you'll like this, I promise."

"I'll like it more when I can go inside," Meredith said.

"Go on," he laughed, leaning in to kiss her. "I'll get the bags."

"I'll help," she said, moving around to the trunk and opening it to stare at the bags stuffed in the trunk. "How much stuff did you buy?" she asked.

"I have a lot of people to buy for," Derek defended. "And we've got to make up the past eighteen Christmases for you."

She rolled her eyes as she slung her backpack over her shoulder. "I told you, if you went overboard for me, I'm never speaking to you again," she said as she moved towards the door. "I need to be eased into this."

"Meredith!" Caitlin squealed from the porch. "You're here!"

"I'm here," Meredith giggled as she dropped the suitcase she was holding to wrap the teenager in a tight hug. "How are you?"

"Good!" Caitlin cried. "You wanna see what Brandon got me for Christmas?"

"Who's Brandon?" Derek asked with a frown as he stepped onto the porch.

"My boyfriend," Caitlin rolled her eyes.

"Duh," Meredith added with a smirk.

Derek ignored Meredith as he narrowed his eyes. "When did you get old enough to date?"

Caitlin rolled her eyes. "Don't worry, Derbear, Daddy's already scared him to death," she said. "I don't need you doing it too."

Derek frowned as he followed them into the house. "I don't like it," he announced it.

"Don't like what, dear?" Emma asked as she pulled Meredith into a tight hug.

Derek pouted even more. "How my entire family seems to like my girlfriend better than me."

Meredith giggled as Emma pulled away and took Derek into her arms. "Don't be ridiculous, dear," she rolled her eyes. "Of course we love you."

Derek smiled as he hugged his mom back. "Right," he said. "Where is everyone?"

"Your father went to the train station to pick up Kathleen," Emma reported as they followed her back into the kitchen. "She's bringing Chris home, and he wanted to meet him before anyone else."

"When did all my sisters get boyfriends?" Derek asked as he collapsed at the kitchen table.

"Nancy doesn't," Liz pointed out, looking up from her book.

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