Tomlinson, Meet your children.

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-----------Zayn's 20th Birthday-----------------

*Eleanor's POV*

Tick, Tock. Tick, Tock. Tick, Tock.

Oh shit! How could we have been so stupid!?!? I sat on the toilet seat and curled up, crying. I chucked the stick at the wall, wait, no it wasn't the babies fault, was it? If anything it was my fault, mine and Lou's. How could we have been so wreckless.

I had to go outside face everyone. I'll tell Louis tonight, I didn't want to ruin Zayn's 20th Birthday.I stood up and put the pregnancy test in my bag. I washed my face and re-did my makeup before walking back out.

"Hey El, Are you okay hun? You were gone for a while?" Dani asked me as I walked outside.

I nodded "I'm fine Dani" She frowned at me but asked no more questions. I got a Lemonade and sat on my own. The thoughts running through my head were hurting. Why was I thinking of abortion? Like I would ever kill my baby.

Perrie came over and sat with me. "Hey El. What's up with you tonight you look really pale?"

"I'm fine" I said covering my watering eyes with my brown wavy hair.

"You know you can tell me and Dani anything?" I nodded reasuring her.

I began to dance and talk with everyone. Trying not to think about it. The food started to open on the buffet. Oh god, I sprinted to the bathroom and started throwing my guts up. Dani noticed and her and Perrie followed me.

"Aww, El" Dani sympathiesed while grabbing my hair out of my face. Perrie was stood at the door, making sure no one came in.

I finally stopped spuing up and sat on the floor crying.

-------------------Zayn's 20th Birthday- The toilets----------------

*Dani's POV*

I watched for as moment as Eleanor sat on the floor crying her eyes out. I then sat next to her and rested her head on my shoulder. 

"Eleanor, you have to tell him" I had realised now she was pregnant.

"I don't want to" She complained, thought it sounded muffled as she was crying her eyes out into my top.

"Tell Louis what?" I heard an Irish accent say.

"Nice Job on watching the door Perrie" I snarled jokingly at her. She smiled and said sorry.

"Niall leave it out ok," I shouted as El began to cry harder. The blonde boy looked at me, his blue eyes were looking hurt but he looked at El and came and sat infront of her.

"Hey, whats cooking good looking?" Niall asked her, taking hold of her hand. She smiled and rubbed her stomache.

"Ahhh, you gonna keep it?" Niall asked her. She nodded.

"Hey they are singing Happy Birthday to my boy in 5" Perrie told us. I stood up taking El's hand and dragged her to the sink.

"Done your makeup twice now" I said. We went outside pretending nothing had happened.

"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Zayn, Happy Birthday to...."

"WHAT IS THIS!" I heard a voice shout. I looked up and saw Louis standing there. Holding a pregnancy test, oh shit!

"Louis please, I was going to tell you but..." Eleanor pleaded.

"SHUT UP" He shouted. "This is all your fault, you have ruined my life" He whispered in her ear. I'd never seen him like this.


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