Louis Returns

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*Niall's POV*

I sat calmly on the plastic chair. Danielle cuddled up to me, Liam glaring at me. I noticed him and I just gave him a what do you suppose me to do look and he sat down sulking.

We waited, and waited. For what felt like hours and days and years. Until.....

"Miss. Peazer?" Danielle jumped up as the nurse came over. Her blonde hair was hidden under the cap she was wearing but little twirls were hanging out. Her green eyes scanned the clip board she was holding. Man, she was hot. (Oh by the way she looked young maybe 20, I'm not Harry). When her eyes looked up, I nearly fell off my seat.

"Eleanor is fine now, we believe she sent herself into a panic attack and fainted. She is awake but please can just you go in and see her?" The pretty nurse said.

Dani nodded and jumped off me and ran down the corridor. My chance, the nurse was still stood there.

"Hey Miss" I asked, sounding all innocent. She turned and smiled at me. Dont blow it Niall. "W-w-ill Eleanor be ok?" I said looking at the floor. I raised my eyes and she was smiling.

"Mr. Horan, I know you are upset about Eleanor but you just heard me. Are you trying to get my attention?" She asked laughing a little.

I pretended to be shocked. "Miss. How could I? Even though you  are beautiful!"

"My name is Rachel but everyone calls me Kennie" She said and I gave her a questioned look. "My last name is Mckenna and I hate Rachel"

"I think Rachel is beautiful but I am just as happy taking Kennie on a date" I said messing with my blonde hair "I know a place, I'll pick you up tonight at 7?"

"So Niall Horan is asking me on a date?" She smiled, nodded and walked off. Jackpot!

I sat back down, feeling a little tooo big about myself, well wouldn't you? When Mr. Tomlinson himself came bursting threw the doors with his little tart running after him, ergh I hate her.

*Louis POV*

Where were they? My-my babies. I ran through the door, Ashlyn was following me. I ran down the corridor and Harry!

"HARRY!" I shouted, and walked over to him. He smiled and I pushed him. "You forgot about me? My-my-my ex was having my twins and you forgot about me?" I shouted

"No, I remebered and we were a little bit to busy trying to get Eleanor into the god damn car because she was at her flat alone! And why was she at her flat alone? Oh yeah because her boyfriend dumped her because he turned into some maniac who hits PREGNANT women and when she got scared and flinched, you tried to hit her again!" Harry shouted.

"Harry, its not my Louis' fault anyway he has never hit me!" Ashlyn, my world, told Harry.

Harry laughed "Don't talk to me"

"Louis tell him not to talk to me like that please, your just a little gay twat with girly curls and your retarded and a little bastard" Ashlyn shouted at him.

"Lou, I think you hit the wrong girl" Harry said as he walked off.

*Eleanor's POV*

"Dani, I'm so sorry" I cried into her when she sat next to me on my bed.

"Hey, hey its fine baby, I know you were scared, I would have been" Dani comforted me.

"You delivered my babies" I told her and I just felt her nod.

"Miss. Calder if you are feeling ok when can take you to see your babies?" The nurse asked. I just nodded a little over enthusastically.

I was helped into a wheelchair and Dani pushed me as the nurse led us to see my darling babies.

They were perfect! So small in the incubators, they both had little button noses and pink skin. A blue hat was placed on Parker's head but you could see a little tuff of blonde hair poking out of the front. Holly had a pink hat on covering her hair but I could tell it was darker. She had beautiful blue eyes matching with Parker. Too cute. I had fell in love with my babies from the moment I saw them.

"Get away from them!" A voice shouted. It sounded so familiar. I began to shake and I moved away from Parker's incubator. He moved closer to the baby boy and he looked closely inside.

"Ashlyn, come and look at them" He waved her over and she strutted over.

"Oh, Babe they are just babies but could make us  very rich. You need to get full custody of Juliana and Grayson" What was that blonde bitch going on about. Full custody? Juliana and Grayson?

"No! Louis! T-t-the babies are mine, I am k-ee-eeping them with m-m-me. And they are called P-p-parker and Holly" I spoke to quickly and it did sound muffled.

"You? Looking after kids? You can barley go for a walk without anyone incase someone 'hurts' you. I need these kids to get me money! Oh Parker and Holly were nice till Ashlyn convinced me that babies needed original unique names. Espically celebrity babies" Louis said rather spitefully.

I just looked down and cried waiting for Dani to hurry up and come back. Would he really take my babies away from me?


A/N: Hey hope you enjoyed part 6!

I am enjoying this story but it feels a little repetative so I was thinking if you guys could help me with some Ideas! Thanks anyway and remember comment Ideas or message me.

For Part 7 I would like 2 votes and 2 comments please!!!


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