The scan.

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A/N: Thanks for reading!!! I know a portray Louis to be a different person I know he isn't really like that, P.S on the side is the scan picture, PLEASE VOTE, COMMENT AND THANKS AGAIN FOR READING!

---------------El's Apartment--------------------

*Eleanor's POV,*

I waited, I was sat on my kitchen counter. Where was Dani? She should be here by now!

I can't believe it was my 20 week scan, The babies were getting bigger and my stomache had a perfect bump. I rubbed my stomache and smiled. "I can't wait till my babies are out"

Knock Knock Knock. YAY Dani was here! I ran to the door and jumped into her arms. What? Nothings weird about that. We are bestfriends!

"Heyya Hun, How are my godchildren doing?" She asked putting her hands on my belly.

"Who said you are gonna be godmother?" I questioned.

"Ermmm well I just presumed that....." I laughed because she thought I was serious.

"Of corse your gonna be godmother!!" I said and she hugged me once again.

We got in her car and she began to drive us to the hospital.

-------------------Lou and Harry's apartment--------------

*Harry's POV*

"Louis, hurry the hell up or we will be late!" I said pacing at the door of our apartment. I checked my watch. Damn! Her appointment was in 15 minutes and its a 10 minute drive!


"Chill Hazza, I'm coming ffs!" He moaned trying to tie his shoe and put his jacket on at the same time. I chuckled then began to walk to my car. Eventually he caught up with me and we managed to get to the hospital just on time.

"where have you two been!" Dani shouted at us as we rushed out of our car.

"It was his fault" Me an Louis said at the same time pointing at each other. Eleanor laughed and Dani gave us a dirty and told us to hurry up and get in.

----------------------------------The Hospital.----------------------------------------

*Eleanors POV*

Badum, Badum, Badum, was the sound of two seats of heartbeats.

"Well, Miss Calder the babies are doing fine. We do know the gender's if you would like to know?"

I looked at Dani immedantly. I always go to Dani if I'm stuck between choices. Louis looked kind of hurt by this so I asked him wheather he wanted to know.

"Well I guess we could make the nursery's up then" I nodded and we all looked at the nurse.

She smiled. "The first baby is a boy, and the second is a girl." I bit my bottom lip (I do this when I am excited or nervous.)

"Yay" Harry shouted "I get a niece and nephew!"

I smiled and looked back at the screen where my babies were shown lying comftably in my stomache. One who was said to be the little boy was sucking his thumb, he was a little smaller then the girl but the nurse said it was nothing to worry about.

----------------2 weeks later, Eleanor's apartment---------------

*Eleanor's POV still*

Louis had come round so we could discuss the babies even more.

"Names!!" He shouted and laughed.

"Well I was thinking, Holly Ava and Parker Elliot?" I said twirling my hair (another habit). Louis smiled and nodded enthusiastically. I did still love Louis but he would be on tour alot. We had babies to look after and I was not taking them on tour not a chance!

"What about when I am on tour?" Louis asked, as if he could read my mind.

"I don't know Louis, but I don't want them to go on tour. I was thinking I could sell my apartment and move back to Manchester so my mum could help me with the twins" I hesitated before I said the last part.

He shook his head and looked at me "Oh, so I dont get any say in this whatsoever?" He looked t me quite angry.

"No, you do, its just you will be away from the kids and I don't want to look after twins on my own!" I said getting a little bit aggitated.

"Well why don't you just fuck off and never let me see MY kids again." Lou replied louder.

"Lou I didn't mean it like that..." I was cut off as he stood up and shouted right in my face.


Tears fell down my face. I looked up at him. He snarled then raised his hand up to slap me. I curled up and hided my face in the pillow.  Everything was in slow motion and I heard the key turn in the door.....

*Dani's POV*

I unlocked the door to Eleanor's apartment and shouted "Honey, I'm home." I heard crying and I ran into the living room. Louis was stood there with his hand raised. Eleanor was curled up in a ball on the couch.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!?!" I shouted. He turned and looked at me, then lowered his arm. He backed off a few steps and I went and stood infront of him.

"Get the hell out of her apartment right now, I swear Louis Tomlinson you ever touch her or go near her ever again. You will have me to answer to, got it?" I snarled.

"B-b- but" He stuttered then began to cry. He bolted for the door and I heard it slam behind him.

I turned around to where Eleanor was. Crying her eyes out. I crouched down next to her.

"El, he has gone. Its just me I promise. Come on, I will help you babe" She shuffled and I sat on the couch next to her. She moved and lay her head on my cheast. i began to stroke her long hair.

"You gonna tell me what happened?" I asked softly

"He began to shout when I told him I might move back to Manchester so I had my mother there when he was on tour. He got angry and said that he hated the babies and me. He said I will probably just get knocked up with some other guy when I am pissed and I am a slut" I think she said but it was difficult to hear between sobs.

I called Liam and told him how much of a twat Louis is!!

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