Panic Attack

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*Dani's POV*

I cried into Liam. I never felt so heartbroken. My bestfriend in the whole wide world hates me. It was her choice to get back with Louis, I had no right to intervene! Now she hates me, I even threatened to slap her! Am I a twat? I know what use to happen to El yet I still try and hit her?

"Liam I feel awful" I whispered into his chest.

"I know, but Dani she did smack you and say very bad things to you to" he replied rubbing circles in my back and using that soothing voice. I love my Liam.

"Oh god, sorry Dani I have a meeting! Are you coming to the concert tonight?"

"Of corse I am! Why would I miss my boyfriends sing his sweet little heart out?" I said leaning in and kissing his soft lips, gently.

" erm... Eleanor... Erm?" He stuttered.

"We might have a chance to talk things over" I smiled and gave him a hug as he ran out the door.


*Nialls POV*

"Knock, knock, Kenna you okay?" I asked through the bathroom door. I heard my girlfriend sniffle and then she shouted back that she was fine and she was gonna be 5 minutes.

I got out my phone and dialled that emergency number.

"I need you...... It's Kenna please just hurry!"

*Kenna's POV*

Fuck. Shit. Crap. Damn. Every single bad word in the English dictionary was running through my mind. I might be pregnant. I sat in the bathroom staring at the wall. I am 1 week late. How the hell didnt I notice. Im fucking stupid, especially as I am as regular as clockwork.


"Niall I said I will be 5 minutes!" I shouted through the wall.

"It's not Niall" I heard a voice reply.


"Can I come in Kenna?" I slowly pulled myself up and made my way to the door. I opened it slightly.

"Is Niall there?" I asked

"Nope, he has gone to a meeting with the boys and Dani and El are probably tearing each others hair out" I laughed a little and opened the bathroom.

She dug around in her hugs handbag and pulled out a pregnancy test. I looked shocked but then gave her a questioned look.

"Erm, I had a bet with Eleanor and I know you want a kid so it better be fucking positive" she joked.

"You had a bet with Eleanor? And I am only 20."

"Have you seen yourself with Parker and Holly? It's adorable" she screeched and I just smiled.

"Anyway Dani is better at this stuff but she is having best friend issues so I came to help mine". I jumped into Perries arms and thanked her. She handed me the pregnancy test. Wait does she always keep one of these in her bag? Lol!

"I will be outside sweetie" I heard her on the phone. Probably to one of Little mix , while I peed on a stick. Ergh.



*Dani's POV*

I heard the screams of the apps asking me questions. The flashes of the camera's. I was escorted into the arena, from then I was let to my own devices back stage. I met up with a few fans then I walked down to the food place.

"Dani......wait!" A voice I knew very well spoke behind me. For some reason now being stood only a few feet away from Eleanor, anger rushed through me!

I carried on walking and them i felt a tug on my shirt

"Dani please, Im sorry! I didn't mean what I said! I do need you, my life was hell and you are one of the best things ever in my life. I didn't mean to slap you but I was very pissed off." She looked over at Parker and Holly who were being fed by one of the management team. "And they need there godmum"

I had no idea what to say. Instead I just turned around and began to walk down the corridor.

I heard her follow me, crying.... No bawling. Crash!

I froze still and I heard people gathering around her.

"Move! Move!" I shouted pushing through everyone and leaning down next to El on the floor. She was shaking and crying leaning against the wall.

"Will you move! Give her some space. She is having a panic attack!" I said now being the one panicking.

Eleanor had her face in her arms and her knees up. If only I could move her into the room.

"El, please" nope she wouldn't budge.

I sat next to her and pulled Eleanor closer to me. She immediately rested her head on my shoulder and a wrapped my arm around her. She was still shaking uncontrollably. I stroked her hair and sang softly to her. After about 15 minutes she calmed down and I managed to get her up and into a room.

We both sat on the couch.

"Im sorry." Was all Eleanor managed at first.

"Yeah. Me too sweetie. I shouldn't have said those things about Parker and Holly. You are a great mother honey." She leaned into me and laughed.

"What you laughing at?" I asked a little puzzled.

"It feels like I am in high school again. Falling out with people for no reason! I love you Dani, bestfriends right?" She said.

"Louis is still a dick to me but Eleanor if you love him I will except that. Just warn him if he hurts you again I will have to kill him" I spoke. Eleanor glared me out. "What? Too protective? Sorry El but you are like my baby sister. I won't let anyone treat you like shit and I will be here whenever you need me"

Eleanor bit her bottom lip and just nodded.

"Come here" I said hugging her. "I live you Eleanor, not in that say cause we both obviously have boyfriends and"

Eleanor cut me off "Dani you are rambling"! We fell about laughing then we left to go watch the 5 boys on stage. .......

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2013 ⏰

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